Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 546

Mild day here today with rain in the morning and some sun in the afternoon and 2º. We had some hard rain overnight. Its -4º here now.
Started out to do my bus run this morning but could not get up the hill on the road outside the park. The road was a sheet of ice and the bus started fishtailing when I got to the bottom of the hill - too slippery to try the hill. Called Sharp's in Kitchener and informed that I could not do my run. Had a job to get the bus off the road and back in the park - took me about 15 mins. as the bus didn't want to go where it was steered. After breakfast I did some more work on the living room walls. I then went for a walk and checked out the road for my afternoon run - all okay - road graded and sanded. Did my afternoon bus run and after supper it was some R & R.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 545

Mild cloudy day here today and 2º. Its 2º here now.
Out and shoveled some snow this morning - we had about 8 cms overnight. Mostly take it easy kinda day today - caught up on some paper work etc.

Some more ......

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 544

Mild cloudy day here today with some flurries and -2. Its -3 here now.
Out for a walk first thing this morning. After breakfast I did some more work on the living room walls and windows. Ruby went into Woodstock. Then I cleaned the corn stove. We then went into Noel's for supper and I helped him load some furniture from his basement into his truck. We then took it into Woodstock to his friend's apartment while Ruby watched the grandkids. Spent some time with them when we got back and just getting home.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 543

Cloudy mild day here today with a some snow in the morning and some sun in the afternoon and -1º but windy. Its -6º here now.
Ruby into Noel's at 6 am to wait for the grandkids to get up and I did my morning bus run and stopped for tea after. Ruby got Damien off to school and brought Payton to our place for the day. After breakfast I went for a walk and then we spent some time with Payton. Then off on my afternoon bus run and while I was gone Ruby took Payton home and waited for Damien to get home from school and Tammy to get home from work. After supper we relaxed and now checking updates on the Wings/Boos hockey game - GO WINGS GO!!!!!!

Fun with Payton

Some big birds

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 542

Cloudy mild day here today with some flurries and freezing rain in the morning and 1º. Its -1º here now.
Ruby into Noel's at 6 am to wait for the grandkids to get up and then get then off to school. I did my morning bus run and after went to Innerkip to get a light repaired and some fuel. After breakfast I went for a walk. Then after lunch I did my afternoon bus run and while I was gone Ruby went into Noel's to wait for the grandkids to get home from school and Tammy to get home from work. We gad a quick supper when I got home and then it was into Woodstock to have our eyes checked for new glasses and contacts. Just got home from there now.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 541

Frosty (-14º) start to the day but a great sunny day and 0º. Its -2º here now.
Ruby into Noel's at 6 am to wait for the grandkids to get up and get Damien off to school and bring Payton to our place for the day. I did my morning bus run. After breakfast I went for a walk. Then I got at getting the living room walls ready to paint and Ruby painted the trim etc around the kitchen window. We had lots of help from our little helper lol. After I did my afternoon bus run and Ruby took Payton home and waited until Tammy got home from work. After supper it was some R & R.

Her crust and butter

Pop's helper

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 540

Nice sunny day here today with a high of -5º but felt warmer in the sun. Its -8º here now.
Frosty (-14º) start to my morning bus run and stopped for tea and fuel after - fueled up both me and the bus lol. Ruby into Woodstock this morning for her meeting and some shopping. After breakfast I went for a walk. Then it was of for my afternoon bus run. After Ruby got home she went in to wait for Damien & Payton to get home from school just in case Tammy was late getting home from work. Some R & R after supper.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 539

Cold day here today with some sun, easterly winds and -8º. Its -10º here now.
Holiday here today - Family Day - so no bus run.
After breakfast we got at putting up the lights and fan that we had taken down to paint the ceiling. I also stripped and caulked around the kitchen window and Ruby made some new curtains for there - will be painted later. Then it was out to clean up some snow - we had 10 cms last night. I also went down and cleaned the snow of the bus for tomorrow morning. Some R & R after.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 538

Our day started out sunny but clouded over and -1º. Its -5º here now.
After breakfast we got at painting the living room ceiling. Did so much and then went to Home Hardware in Woodstock to pick up more paint and supplies. After we got back we completed the first coat on the living room ceiling and as we were having so much fun (lol) we taped to paint the kitchen/hall ceiling. Ruby did the edge painting there and I put a second coat on the living room ceiling and then we completed the first coat on the kitchen/hall ceiling. After supper we did the second coat on the kitchen/hall ceiling, then got everything cleaned up and the furniture put back in place - a long workday but we got a lot accomplished. A couple of hours of R & R now before we hit the bed.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 537

A cloudy and very windy day here today with a temp of -3º but felt a lot colder with the wind. Its -4º here now.
Out for a walk first thing this morning (very windy) and when I got back I moved the bus from the parking lot down to the end of the park where i usually park it. I left it in the parking lot yesterday due to the flood warning here but the brook went down quite a bit overnight with the cold weather returning. After breakfast we got back at the renovations again. We removed the wall paper & vinyl from the last wall in the living room, caulked around the window & patio door, painted the ceiling trim, removed lights & fan from the ceiling, etc to get ready to paint the ceiling. After supper we had some R & R.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 536

Mild sunny day here today but windy and 9º. Its 5º here now. Lots of snow gone and we are under a flood watch here in the park.
Did my morning bus run and stopped for tea. Picked up Payton on my way home. After breakfast I cleaned the corn stove - haven't had it going the last couple of days due to the mild weather. Spent the rest of the morning being entertained by Payton. After lunch I dropped Payton at home on my way for my afternoon bus run. I was supposed to pick up another driver in Innerkip but that was changed just before I got there so I carried on to the school. After supper me and Ruby went for a walk. Some relaxing now.