Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 484

Cold day here today with the wind and -6º. Its warming up a bit here now and -4º.
After a late breakfast Noel & Damien picked me up and we took Damien on his first hunting trip into our hunting spot. That's what makes it so good to be here - we can experience a lot of firsts with the grandkids - its great. Damien had his pellet gun and we had our 22s. We were looking for squirrels, foxes, crows, coyotes, etc but didn't see a thing to have a shot at. After a while Damien started to get cold so we left for home. After I got home I went down and started my bus and let it run for awhile - still starting good lol. Doing some relaxing, reading, computer stuff the rest of the day.

Damien's first hunting trip

Maybe we should have hunted from home lol

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