Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 482

Sunny day here today but cold with the wind and -6º. Its -8º here now.
Late breakfast this morning and then Ruby was of to Woodstock for some Boxing Day shopping - guess what she came back with Helen. I had put my foot down (right Jimmy) this Christmas and said no more coats and there were none on Christmas morning. But then Ruby talked to Helen on Christmas Day and Helen told her she could not believe she didn't get a coat for Christmas and that set things in motion. So she was off this morning to set things straight so this one is completely Helen's fault - all my hard training, foot down, etc. down the drain lol.
I went out for a walk and then started up the bus and let it run for a little while. I then set up my new eternal drive Ruby had given me for Christmas and did some backing up of my laptop files.

Another one (Helen's fault)

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