Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 481

Another cool and cloudy day here today and -4º. Its -6º here now.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas Day - we certainly did. Opened our gifts this morning and made a few calls to our family and friends at home. Noel, Tammy, Damien & Payton here after breakfast and they opened their gifts - it was so good to be here with them. Its makes Christmas so much better. The grandkids are a delight and as they say "Christmas is for kids" and "Ruby" lol. We got a great gift from them - tickets to see a Toronto / Pittsburg hockey game on March 02/11 - center ice too. Couldn't ask for much better than that. After lunch we went into Noel's for a Christmas supper and a great supper it was - gonna have to cut back on the eating soon. We just got back home now.

Our Christmas Day

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