Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 486


Mild and cloudy here today and 3º. Its 3º here now.
After breakfast Ruby dropped me at Noel's and me, Noel, Damien & Brett (Damien's cousin) went into our hunting place for a boil up and some hunting. Ruby met Tammy, Payton & Emily (Payton's cousin) at the bowling alley in Woodstock for some bowling. We had a great day in the woods with Damien & Brett having their first boil up, they both used a gun for the first time (did good too) and they were there for our first kill up this way - a lot of firsts. We are starting off small with our kill lol. After our great day Noel dropped me at our place and after Ruby got home we went into Noel's to watch Damien & Brett for the evening - Noel & Tammy took Payton & Emily to Tammy's mother's place for the night and they had an evening out.

Our hunting trip

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 485

Milder day here today, cloudy and -3º. Its -3º here now.
Tammy dropped Noel here this morning and he had breakfast with us. After breakfast me and Noel went to Woodstock to do some upgrading of Tammy's laptop and Noel had some shopping to do. After we got home we did some cleaning up and setting up of the laptop. Also, got Noel's Blackberry set up and connected to the comp after some trial and error lol. After that I took Noel home and then it was relaxing with some reading and TV.

Ruby's wildlife shots

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 484

Cold day here today with the wind and -6º. Its warming up a bit here now and -4º.
After a late breakfast Noel & Damien picked me up and we took Damien on his first hunting trip into our hunting spot. That's what makes it so good to be here - we can experience a lot of firsts with the grandkids - its great. Damien had his pellet gun and we had our 22s. We were looking for squirrels, foxes, crows, coyotes, etc but didn't see a thing to have a shot at. After a while Damien started to get cold so we left for home. After I got home I went down and started my bus and let it run for awhile - still starting good lol. Doing some relaxing, reading, computer stuff the rest of the day.

Damien's first hunting trip

Maybe we should have hunted from home lol

Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 483

Sunny day here today but cold wind chill most of the day and -2º. Its -4º here now.
Late breakfast and then some relaxing. Ruby into Woodstock for some more shopping (no end in sight). In the afternoon we went into Noel's and then went with them to Brett's (Tammy's nephew) hockey game in Cambridge. After the game we (along with Michelle - Tammy's mother) went to King's Buffet in Cambridge for another feed - gonna have to cut back on the eating soon lol. Home enjoying a glass of wine and some more relaxing.

At King's Buffet

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 482

Sunny day here today but cold with the wind and -6º. Its -8º here now.
Late breakfast this morning and then Ruby was of to Woodstock for some Boxing Day shopping - guess what she came back with Helen. I had put my foot down (right Jimmy) this Christmas and said no more coats and there were none on Christmas morning. But then Ruby talked to Helen on Christmas Day and Helen told her she could not believe she didn't get a coat for Christmas and that set things in motion. So she was off this morning to set things straight so this one is completely Helen's fault - all my hard training, foot down, etc. down the drain lol.
I went out for a walk and then started up the bus and let it run for a little while. I then set up my new eternal drive Ruby had given me for Christmas and did some backing up of my laptop files.

Another one (Helen's fault)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 481

Another cool and cloudy day here today and -4º. Its -6º here now.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas Day - we certainly did. Opened our gifts this morning and made a few calls to our family and friends at home. Noel, Tammy, Damien & Payton here after breakfast and they opened their gifts - it was so good to be here with them. Its makes Christmas so much better. The grandkids are a delight and as they say "Christmas is for kids" and "Ruby" lol. We got a great gift from them - tickets to see a Toronto / Pittsburg hockey game on March 02/11 - center ice too. Couldn't ask for much better than that. After lunch we went into Noel's for a Christmas supper and a great supper it was - gonna have to cut back on the eating soon. We just got back home now.

Our Christmas Day