Thursday, November 25, 2021

Day 4487

 A sunny day here today and 27. It's 17 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning.  After breakfast I removed the toilet, baseboards and flooring from our washroom, cleaned up the water and started drying the floor. Was hoping the leak was from the toilet seal but water kept seeping from under the tub. Got Ruby to remove the turkey from our oven and take it to Sharon's to finish cooking so me and Gary could pull out our stove. Removed panel from side of cupboards and found our leak - hot water tank leaking. Got underneath trailer and cut open the plastic sheeting covering the bottom to release the water. Had to cut open 3 sections. After that set up the table and chairs on our deck for Thanksgiving day supper. Ruby and Sharon cooked a great turkey supper. Lawrence & Teresa and Larry & Fedele here to enjoy it with us. After everything cleaned up I shut off our water and drained the hot water tank for tonight. 

Thanksgiving supper...

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