Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Day 4486

 A sunny day here today and 23. It's 17 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast I removed everything from our deck, removed items stored under our deck, etc. Then washed lanai roof, side of trailer, deck, railing, etc. After that I put everything back except for the Christmas decorations which I packed on the deck as we will soon start decorating. Ruby feeling much better today and her and Sharon went out after lunch to pick up some things. I checked out a water leak in our washroom - water under the flooring. Then a few people here on our deck for refreshments. Sharon and Gary here for supper. After supper I had another look at the washroom leak and it looks like it's coming from the toilet. Then went out and picked up a wax seal and hopefully that will fix the problem. 

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