Monday, November 8, 2021

Day 4470

 A great day for driving today with sun all the way but lots of traffic but no hang-ups. Its 13 here in Franklin, OH now.

Finished closing up the trailer this morning then down to the road with the family to see the grandkids off to school and to say goodbye. We left there at 0800 and got to the lineup at the toll in Sarnia at 0925. Took 45 minutes to get to the toll booth and another 25 minutes before we got through the border - we would have been at least an 1/2 hour or more longer if we did not have the Nexus cards, only one vehicle ahead of us in the Nexus lane, they certainly come in handy. Made a couple of stops along the way and arrived at our hotel at 1550. Got checked in, out for supper and then settled in for the night. 

Our travels today...

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