Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Day 4492

 A sunny day here today and 21. It's 15 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went to line dancing at the clubhouse. I went to Staples to get copies of the association December calendar and placed them in the clubhouse whenIgotback. After that we spent the rest of the day decorating the outside of our unit for Christmas. After supper I went to a unit here in the park to check out a tv for a guy - got it working. 

Us and our neighbors across the street outside decorations...

Monday, November 29, 2021

Day 4491

 A sunny day here today and 21. It's 15 here now. 

In the late morning we, along with Gary and Sharon, went to Clearwater for a few hours to check out a couple of things and a few hours of shopping. I'm feeling a lot better today but both of us still have the nagging cough. 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Day 4490

 A mostly sunny day here today with clouds in the afternoon and 22. It's 16 here now. 

After a late breakfast this morning I walked around and did my check on 3 units here in the park. Relaxing and napping for the rest of the day as still not feeling well. Ruby still has her cough and relaxing too. 

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Day 4489

 A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 20. It's 14 here now. 

After breakfast this morning I took the park association December calendar down for a association executive to have a look at. Then went to a unit here in the park to set up a tablet. Relaxing after that as I have a head cold and Ruby is still recovering from hers. 

Day 4488

 Friday, November 26, 2021

A mostly sunny day with some clouds in the late afternoon and 25.

Me and Gary went to a hardware store this morning to pickup a 20 gallon hot water tank, drain pan, fittings, etc. When we got back we removed the 6 gallon propane water heater from our trailer. Then back to the hardware store to return some fittings and get different size ones plus a piece of plywood to fix up the door to the tank - can never do a plumbing job without making a couple of trips lol. When we got back we repaired the door while we were waiting for things to dry out from the leaky tank. Then installed the drain pan, put drain pipe through the floor and installed the new hot water tank, thanks for the help Gary. Ruby and Sharon went out to do some shopping. Gary and Sharon here for supper with us. After supper I did up the Dec calendar for the park association. 

All changed out...

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Day 4487

 A sunny day here today and 27. It's 17 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning.  After breakfast I removed the toilet, baseboards and flooring from our washroom, cleaned up the water and started drying the floor. Was hoping the leak was from the toilet seal but water kept seeping from under the tub. Got Ruby to remove the turkey from our oven and take it to Sharon's to finish cooking so me and Gary could pull out our stove. Removed panel from side of cupboards and found our leak - hot water tank leaking. Got underneath trailer and cut open the plastic sheeting covering the bottom to release the water. Had to cut open 3 sections. After that set up the table and chairs on our deck for Thanksgiving day supper. Ruby and Sharon cooked a great turkey supper. Lawrence & Teresa and Larry & Fedele here to enjoy it with us. After everything cleaned up I shut off our water and drained the hot water tank for tonight. 

Thanksgiving supper...

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Day 4486

 A sunny day here today and 23. It's 17 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast I removed everything from our deck, removed items stored under our deck, etc. Then washed lanai roof, side of trailer, deck, railing, etc. After that I put everything back except for the Christmas decorations which I packed on the deck as we will soon start decorating. Ruby feeling much better today and her and Sharon went out after lunch to pick up some things. I checked out a water leak in our washroom - water under the flooring. Then a few people here on our deck for refreshments. Sharon and Gary here for supper. After supper I had another look at the washroom leak and it looks like it's coming from the toilet. Then went out and picked up a wax seal and hopefully that will fix the problem. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Day 4485

 A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 20. It's 14 here now. 

I walked to the golf course this morning where I played 9 holes along with 5 other guys. When I got back home I went out to pick up a few things. After lunch I took our vehicle to the car wash to scrub off the bugs, go through the wash and vacuum the inside. Ruby still resting because of her head cold. 

Monday, November 22, 2021

Day 4484

 Cloudy in the morning here today with a shower, sunny in the afternoon and 24. It's 20 here now. 

I went to a golf course in Largo this morning where I played 18 holes along with 3 other guys from our park - we had to wait out the rain shower on our 1st hole. Ruby still resting to try and get over her head cold. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Day 4483

 A mostly sunny day here today and 28. It's 23 here now. 

We were going to go golfing with Gary and Sharon this morning but Ruby wasn't feeling well. After a late breakfast me and Gary opened the shutters on Lawrence and Teresa's unit - they will be here tomorrow. I then checked Fred's unit and Mike's trailer. After that doing the Sunday relax thing - reading, watching golf, etc.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Day 4482

 A mix of sun and clouds here today and 26. It's 22 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast I got at washing the trailer - removed the window screens, washed the front, west side & back of the trailer and the shed. Then cleaned the windows before cleaning and reinstalling the screens. Ruby out for some shopping with Trinda and Sharon. 

Movie day...

Friday, November 19, 2021

Day 4481

 A mostly sunny day here today and 28. It's 22 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby and Sharon went for a walk. I went with Gary to find a garage to replace the serpentine belt on his car - got it done at a garage on Indian Rocks road. After lunch we, along with Gary and Sharon, went out to a couple of stores. After supper all here and some of us had our missed Thursday night treat - banana split. 

School pics.....

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Day 4480

 A cloudy day here today and 25. It's 23 here now. 

I walked to the golf course this morning where I played 18 holes with the park golf league. Ruby and Sharon went for a walk. After lunch Ruby out to pick up a few things. After supper Ruby, Sharon and Trinda out for some shopping. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Day 4479

 A sunny day here today and 27. Its 22 here now.

I took Ruby to her TOPS meeting this morning. While she was in her meeting I went for a walk. When we got back home we got ready and 6 of us went to Redington Beach for the afternoon. Then back home for a BBQ supper at Gary & Sharon's. After supper Ruby, Sharon and Trinda out for some shopping. 

Beach day...

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Day 4478

 A sunny day here today and 26. It's 16 here now. 

I walked to the golf course this morning where I played 9 holes along with 6 other guys from our park.  Ruby went to the park clubhouse for line dancing. After lunch Ruby went shopping with Gary and Sharon. I relaxed on our deck with a good book. 

Monday, November 15, 2021

Day 4477

 A sunny day here today and 23. It's 16 here now. 

I went to a golf course in Clearwater this morning where I played 18 holes along with 6 other guys from our park. Ruby and Sharon out for a walk while I was gone. Over to Trinda's for dessert and after that Ruby, Sharon and Trinda went out for some shopping. 

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Day 4476

 A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 19. It's 13 here now. 

After a late breakfast this morning I did a check on Fred and Dianne's unit and then checked Mike and Diane's trailer. Ruby and Sharon out for a little shopping. Ruby did a great cooked supper of roast, chicken, stuffing, veggies, corn etc. All here for supper. After supper Dean here for a visit. 

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Day 4475

 A mix of sun and clouds here today with a heavy shower at lunchtime and 25. It's 20 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast I set up our bikes shelter. Then trimmed and mowed the lawn. Then over on Trinda's deck for lunch. After lunch we went out to pick up a few things. 

Friday, November 12, 2021

Day 4474

 A mix of sun and clouds here today and 26. It's 21 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast we went to Publix and got our Pfizer vaccine booster shots. We then took Trinda to Tampa Airport for her to get a rental, Gary and Sharon went with us too. Then over to Trinda's when she got back. After supper we went over to Gary and Sharon's with our tea to have another piece of Sharon's birthday cake. 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Day 4473

 Another great day driving and 28. It's 21 in Largo now. 

After breakfast this morning we left our hotel in Lake City, FL at 0805. Arrived at Costco in Clearwater at 1050. Stocked up, had an icecream and arrived at our park at 1245. Trinda, Sharon and Gary had our trailer all opened up for us. We got at getting this that and the other thing done. Had a leak in our water line under our trailer, went out and picked up a coupler, replaced the cracked one and all ok. Over to Trinda's for Sharon's birthday supper and out on her deck after supper enjoying the great weather. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Day 4472

 Another nice sunny day driving today. Its 24 in Lake City, FL now.

After breakfast this morning we left our hotel in Chattanooga, TN at 0815. Lots of traffic going through Atlanta with lots of slowdowns and a few stoppages but no major stoppages. After we got through there traffic good from there on. After a few stops along the way, stopped at the Florida Welcome Center for some orange juice, we arrived at our hotel in Lake City, FL at 1530. Got settled in, freshened up and then out for supper. 

Our travels today...