Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Day 3728

Sunny in the morning here today with clouds in the afternoon and 22. Its 19 here now.
Down to Mike's this morning where we made up the amount of 1/4 round required to finish the flooring job. We then went to Home Depot to return some flooring & T trim and Mike ordered some more 1/4 round. After we got back me & Ruby went to the clubhouse for coffee/tea & donuts and an association meeting after. After the meeting I collected the money for the Welcome Back dance on Friday. Ruby & Fedele went out to pick up some decorations for the dance. Then I went back down to Mike's where we put the last 4 pieces of flooring in place and then I installed most of the 1/4 round in the bedroom - will have to wait for some more 1/4 round to come in before completing the job.

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