Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Day 3588

A sunny day here today and 28. Its 26 here now.
We were up with Landon & Charlie this morning, had breakfast and got them out the door to start their day. After that I went for a walk. When I got back I put our water connection back to normal - had a connection break a couple of evenings ago. We then sprayed our trailer inside and out for insects and Ruby gave the inside a good cleaning - we were finding a few small ants. After that Ruby went into Woodstock  to a park where Landon's school class were having a field day. Spent a couple of hours there with Landon and then her and Landon picked up Charlie from her daycare before returning home. After lunch I started building another bench in the shop. We did a bbq for supper.

Supper time.....

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