Saturday, June 1, 2019

Day 3563

A mix of sun and cloud here today with a couple of lite showers before a wicked thunderstorm hit just before supper and 23. Its 15 here now with rain.
Me and Landon had breakfast this morning and then we went into Woodstock to pick up a few things. One of the places we were going wasn't open yet so I took him to McD's where he had another breakfast. After we got back home I finished mowing the lawn and Noel did the trimming - me & Damien did some of the mowing yesterday. After that Bob & Sue here for Ruby's birthday supper and then Ruby went to pick up Damien & Payton at their mom's - she brought them here for her birthday supper. Had a great day going weather wise and Noel had his ribs on the BBQ when a wicked thunderstorm hit - even had some hail. Moved the BBQ under our trailer awning and had the birthday supper down to the house. After supper Ruby brought Damien & Payton back to their mom's.

Breakfast at McD's...

Some of the storm...

Birthday supper....

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