Saturday, September 8, 2018

Day 3297

A mostly cloudy day here today and 17. Its 13 here now.
Up and had breakfast with Landon & Charlie this morning. I then took the 2 of them and went into Hickson to pick up Damien & Payton. After I got back I mowed the perimeter of the lawn and then started trimming the lawn. Then Noel took over the trimming and Damien took over the mowing. We got ready and went to a golf course in Woodstock where we played 9 holes in the Braemar Valley Golf tournament - its the park we used to live in and it was a best ball tournament. Then back home to pick up some refreshments etc and then went to the park for awarding of prizes and supper after. Charlie sleeping here with us tonight.

Breakfast with pop....

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