Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Day 3293

Another hot humid day here today with a shower in the late morning and 29. Its 26 here now.
Up and had breakfast with Landon this morning and then got him dressed for his 1st day of school. Then Landon got Ruby & Charlie up and Sarah here from work. We then all went down to the road to see Landon off on his school bus. Ruby & Sarah went to his school to make sure he was ok when he got off the bus and then they took Charlie to her daycare. I went for a walk. When Ruby got back home she got ready and went to her TOPS meeting and shopping after. After lunch I had another look at Noel's broken TV but again no luck. Landon & Charlie sleeping here with us tonight.

1st day of school....

 Day 1 over....

 Playing with their supper...

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