Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Day 3208

A mostly cloudy day here today with lite showers throughout the day and 24. Its 21 here now.
Up and had breakfast with Landon this morning before he went down to the house. Then outside where me and Landon removed one of the siccor jacks from our trailer - it got bent when we set the trailer up. Took it apart, heated it up in Noel's forge, straightened it out and put it back together. Then re-installed the jack and re-leveled the trailer. After that the batteries arrived for Landon's quad and car - the quad is the one we gave Damien when he was around 3 so its approx. 10 years old. Charged up the batteries, installed them and he loved it. Landon & Charlie sleeping here with us tonight.

He loves his quad & car....

 Lunch on the deck....

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