Friday, January 26, 2018

Day 3063

A sunny day here today and 24. Its 19 here now.
Me, Darrell & Mike went to a golf course in Clearwater to hit some balls on their driving range, do some chipping, putting, etc. While we were gone Ruby went for her walk. After we got back home I went over to Mike's to check out his hot water tank in his fifth wheel - he wasn't getting any water from the tank. Found a plugged check valve on the outlet side of the tank. Removed the valve and cleaned it and also replaced the anode rod - all ok now. When Ruby got back from her walk she made and installed valances over the bedroom windows. I went to a place here in the park to check out a printer for them. After that I did up and posted the stats for the golf league. After supper we, along with Darrell & Maryann, went down to Lawrence & Teresa's for a few games of Fast Track.

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