Sunday, January 14, 2018

Day 3051

A sunny day here today with a cold wind and 12. Its 11 here now.
We were going to go golfing this morning but the women said it was to cold. After breakfast we went out and picked up a few things. When we got back I went over to a trailer and set up wifi for a guy from his car to his tablet. Then checked on Fred's trailer and also checked Mike's trailer plus hooked up his water, sewer & cable as they will be here on Tuesday. I then helped Tim bring some things into his aunt's trailer - she is in the process of moving into the park. After that I went to another trailer and set up a wireless printer for them. While I was gone Ruby went for a walk to a park and after I finished I walked down to meet her and walk back with her. I then took our vehicle and picked up the golf clubs from 3 guys as we are going golfing in the morning. Skyped with the family after supper.

Tongs Noel made today....

Taking over the couch.....

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