Thursday, August 31, 2017

Day 3916

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 21. its 14 here now.
Had breakfast with Landon this morning and then took him down to the house. I then took our vehicle to the dealership for a service and get the a/c checked out. Went for a walk while it was being done. After I got back found out the a/c unit would have to be replaced so got a rental and returned home. After I got home I went out to the garage and did a bit more wiring. Me & Noel then cleaned out the lower shed and  brought the shelving, items , etc up to the garage. Gave the shed a cleaning and then put all the gardening gear in there. I then returned the rental vehicle and picked up our vehicle. Noel, Landon & Charlie here for supper with us and Landon is staying with us tonight.

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