Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Day 3906

A mostly cloudy day here today with showers and thundershowers throughout the day and 27. Its 18 here now.
Up with Landon this morning and then gave Damien his breakfast before he headed down to the house. I then went down and brought Charlie up to have breakfast with me and Landon. Ruby went to her TOPS meeting and shopping after. I kept Landon & Charlie up with me so Noel and Sarah could get some sleep. After I brought them down to the house I went out to the garage and started storing some things in the overhead storage area. When Ruby got home we went into Woodstock to pick up Landon & Charlie at their daycare. The 4 grand kids here with us for supper. Landon is asleep here and Ruby is down to the house with the rest until Sarah gets home from work.

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