Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Day 3907

A sunny day here today and 23. Its 16 here now.
Up with Landon & Payton this morning. Then brought Charlie up to have breakfast with them. They were here for awhile and then brought them down to the house. After Ruby got up we had a late breakfast. After breakfast I did up and posted some ads to try and sell our trailer in Florida. Then went out and did some work in the garage. Ruby & Payton into Woodstock to pick up an item. Payton here with us for supper. After supper Bob & Sue dropped Landon & Charlie here. Ruby got them ready for bed and then she put Landon to sleep here before taking Charlie down to the house. I'm here with Landon and Ruby's watching Charlie until Sarah gets home from work. Payton & Landon sleeping here with us tonight.

Our new place in Florida....

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