Thursday, August 31, 2017

Day 3916

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 21. its 14 here now.
Had breakfast with Landon this morning and then took him down to the house. I then took our vehicle to the dealership for a service and get the a/c checked out. Went for a walk while it was being done. After I got back found out the a/c unit would have to be replaced so got a rental and returned home. After I got home I went out to the garage and did a bit more wiring. Me & Noel then cleaned out the lower shed and  brought the shelving, items , etc up to the garage. Gave the shed a cleaning and then put all the gardening gear in there. I then returned the rental vehicle and picked up our vehicle. Noel, Landon & Charlie here for supper with us and Landon is staying with us tonight.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Day 3915

A sunny day here today and 26. Its 19 here now.
Met Gary and Sharon for breakfast this morning before leaving Toronto for home. Stopped at the GM dealer in Woodstock to make an appointment for our vehicle - get a service done and a/c checked out. Relaxed for a bit when we got home. Bob & Sue dropped Landon & Charlie here after supper. Payton & Landon here with us for tonight.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Day 3914

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 25.
Brought Charlie up this morning to have breakfast with me and Landon. Ruby went to her TOPS meeting. After Ruby got back home we got ready and went into Toronto. Checked in to our AirBNB condo and then walked to the Rogers Center where we met Gary, Sharon, Chester & Marriette. We walked to a restaurant for supper and then back to the Rogers Center for the Blue Jays game. Michelle (Rhoda's daughter) gave us a tour of the place before the game - interesting. During the game Michelle had a Blue Jays gift bag delivered to the six of us at our seats - 2 t-shirts, apron & hat in each bag. Great time at the game even though the Jays loss.

Toronto & the game.....

Monday, August 28, 2017

Day 3913

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 23. Its 18 here now.
Brought Charlie up this morning to have breakfast with us - all 4 grandkids here for breakfast with us. After breakfast we started getting the trailer ready to move. Spent the day unhooking everything, moving & setting up the trailer and rehooking everything. Had it all done by supper time. Landon sleeping here with us tonight.

Getting things ready yesterday....

 Breakfast at gaga's....

 Moving day......