Friday, July 14, 2017

Days 3864, 3865 & 3866

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

A sunny day with a bit of wind.
We got thing ready and packed for our trip to Dan & Vera's camp in Portland Creek. At lunch time Dean & Timothy came to Bruce's and we load the gear in Dean's truck before heading out. Jeremy, Skye, Carla & Gary followed after us in Carla's car. When we got to the park where Dan keeps his boat we had to wait awhile for Dan & Vera to show up as Vera had a doctor's appointment. When they arrived we loaded some of the gear in the boat and me, Bruce, Dean, Dan & Vera went across the pond for the first run. When we got to their camp we unloaded the gear and Dan went back to pick up Timothy, Jeremy, Skye, Carla & Gary. We walked to the run to do a bit of fishing before supper and Timothy caught a salmon. After supper we were back at the fishing again and I caught a salmon. Then back to the cabin for refreshments, snacks & darts.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Rain & strong winds in the morning. Rain stopped but the strong winds kept up all day.
Spent the day going back & forth to the run fishing. Bruce caught the only salmon for the day. Very hard fishing due to the high winds. We did BBQ'd steaks with baked potatoes, mushrooms & onions for supper. Some of the brave ones did some more fishing after supper as it was cold and windy. We then had refreshments, snacks and darts again.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Very windy again this morning.
We had breakfast and then loaded the gear in the boat and Dan brought me, Bruce, Dean & Timothy across the pond. Quite the ride with the strong winds and big waves. A ride that normally takes 15 minutes took us 45 minutes - not something that any of us want to experience again. It was so rough that Dan would not go back across the pond until later in the evening and Jeremy, Skye, Carla & Gary had to stay in another night and managed to get out early this morning (Friday, July 14).
When we got back home we unloaded the gear, cleaned up and got ready to leave for Ontario. Left Bruce's at 1530, dropped in to visit mom and dad before heading to the ferry in Port-Aux-Basque at 1630. Stopped at Tim's in P-A-B for a snack before checking in at the terminal. Got on the ferry at 2200.

Fishing trip pics.....

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