Monday, July 10, 2017

Days 3861, 3862 & 3863

Saturday, July 08, 2017

Rain in the morning with showers in the afternoon.
After breakfast I helped Bruce do a little job at a house here in Reidville. We then got ready and went to Humber River House in Deer Lake for Wendy & Steve's wedding ceremony. They managed to get their outdoor wedding as the rain stopped. Then back to Bruce's for awhile before heading to the Reidville Community Hall for the wedding supper & dance. After we left there we took Carla to Deer Lake and me, Ruby, Bruce, Marlene, Earl & Helen went to the Irving for an early breakfast - just like old times.

Sunday, July 09, 2017

A mix of sun and cloud today.
After breakfast we went in to visit Rita. Then down to Deer Lake for Wendy & Steve's gift opening and lunch. After that we went into the community hall for the fire department Chase the Ace - no luck for us. Then stopped at Marge's for a visit.

Monday, July 10, 2017

A sunny day here today and 25.
Me & Bruce went up the river to Drill Hole this morning salmon fishing - no luck. After we got back home we went to Deer Lake to pick up the supplies for our fishing trip down to Dan & Vera's. Then we went to Deer lake to visit Cal & Maria's and then over to Brenda & Dean's for supper. When we got back to Reidville we went down to see Earl & Helen.

Some pics of Wendy & Steve's wedding...

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