Friday, July 28, 2017

Day 3881

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 25. Its 19 here now.
Me and Landon out early this morning for him to see a dump truck bring a tandem load of gravel that I had ordered yesterday. Had it dumped against the bank where I had cut the trees etc earlier. Then me & Landon went in for breakfast. I then brought Landon down to the house and brought Charlie up to have breakfast with Ruby. After that me, Sarah, Noel & Landon shoveled, raked, sloped, etc the load of gravel - also took a few wheelbarrow loads to the end of the driveways to fill in a few holes. Then put the water hose on it to water it down a bit before running over it with Noel's ride-on and roller. After supper Ruby & Sarah down to the house to make a batch of pies. I then brought Landon up here and put him to bed.

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