Monday, July 31, 2017

Day 3884

A sunny day here today and 31. Its 25 here now.
After breakfast this morning I went to a golf course in Woodstock and played 18 holes with 2 other guys. Into the clubhouse for a refreshment after golf. After I got back home we went to the hospital clinic in Woodstock for Ruby to talk to the doctor's receptionist and get a form. Then back home and before supper into Woodstock to pick up Landon and Charlie at their daycare. Ruby had a great Chinese food supper prepared.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Day 3883

A sunny day here today and 30. Its 21 here now.
After breakfast this morning me & Noel went out to the garage and made up the materials needed to frame up the walls for a room in the back corner. We then spent some time with Landon & Charlie. In the afternoon we went into Woodstock to visit Gerry & Yvonne - Gerry recently had shoulder surgery. After we left there we went out for supper and then picked up a few things before returning home. After we got back home I set up a new wireless router for our internet.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Day 3882

A mostly sunny day here today and 29. Its 19 here now.
Up with Landon this morning and then brought Charlie up to have breakfast with us. After breakfast me, Noel, Damien, Payton & Landon went into Woodstock to watch one of Sarah's ball games - they were having their year end tournament. Charlie stayed home with Ruby. In the afternoon we watched the Blue Jays ball game. Ruby did home made spaghetti for supper. After supper we had a fire and made some smores and roasted wieners. Payton sleeping here tonight.

Some of our day.....

Friday, July 28, 2017

Day 3881

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 25. Its 19 here now.
Me and Landon out early this morning for him to see a dump truck bring a tandem load of gravel that I had ordered yesterday. Had it dumped against the bank where I had cut the trees etc earlier. Then me & Landon went in for breakfast. I then brought Landon down to the house and brought Charlie up to have breakfast with Ruby. After that me, Sarah, Noel & Landon shoveled, raked, sloped, etc the load of gravel - also took a few wheelbarrow loads to the end of the driveways to fill in a few holes. Then put the water hose on it to water it down a bit before running over it with Noel's ride-on and roller. After supper Ruby & Sarah down to the house to make a batch of pies. I then brought Landon up here and put him to bed.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Day 3880

Cloudy here in the morning and sunny in the afternoon here today and 30. Its 25 here now.
Was suppose to play golf this morning but it rained during the night and threatened this morning so we decided to not chance it. Had breakfast with Landon and then brought Charlie up to have breakfast with Ruby. I then got at finishing up cutting & clearing up the area where we will be putting a gravel ramp to move our trailer and then use for our vehicle. In the afternoon we went into Woodstock to pick up a few things. Then in again to pick up Landon & Charlie from their day care. Landon sleeping here with us tonight.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Day 3879

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 26. Its 21 here now.
Up and had breakfast with Landon this morning. Then went down and got Charlie to have breakfast with Ruby. We then got ready and me, Ruby, Sarah, Bob, Sue, Landon & Charlie went to Twin Valley Zoo in Brantford for the day. After supper Sarah went to her ball game and we watched Landon & Charlie. Landon sleeping here with us tonight.

At the zoo......