Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Day 2465

A cloudy morning and rain in the afternoon here today and 22. Its 16 here now.
Got Damien & Payton up and out the door for the mom to pick them up this morning. Landon up with us for breakfast. After breakfast I started at building the forms for Noel's garage footing. Found out HH had delivered the wrong lumber so had to call them to pick that up and bring what we wanted - so that was done for today. So we decided to go into Woodstock to have a look a some vehicles . Found what we were looking for and if all goes as planned will pick up on Friday. After supper me & Noel went to Paris to have a look at a couple of seats for his Jeep but did not buy them as they were in hard shape. Damien & Payton here for tonight.

Yesterday's pics....

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