Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Day 2217

A mostly cloudy day here today with a few showers and 19. Its 12 here now.
Ruby into Woodstock this morning for her meeting and shopping after. Landon over for breakfast with me,  I then went for a walk. After lunch I went into Woodstock with Sarah & Landon for Landon to see a doctor. Over to Noel's to watch the Blue Jays ball game & supper but he had trouble with his well water pump - pump running but no water or pressure. Noel had to go to work so me and Bob got at the pump problem. Repaired 3 leaks in joins, pressurized the bladders in the pressure tanks and managed to get enough water for tonight. It seems as if there wasn't enough water in the well to fill the tanks so will let the well fill overnight and try again tomorrow morning. Missed most of the ball game but wasn't a good game to watch anyway.

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