Friday, July 17, 2015

Days 2119 to 2122

Ya back at the blog - had no internet until last night and we've been very busy, so lets catch up.

Tuesday, July 15, 2015
On Tuesday morning Ruby went to her meeting in Woodstock. Me and Damien got the motorhome ready and drove it to Noel's place on Beachville Rd. Got parked and set up. Ruby, Sarah & Sara2 started with the cleaning of the new place. Me & Noel doing things that needed to be done. Noel took Damien to his soccer after supper. Damien stayed with us for a sleepover - first time sleeping there.

Wednesday, July 16, 2015
Ruby and Sarah back at the house cleaning again today and Sarah painting the trim. Me & Noel cleared a spot for the shed and set up the floor joist. I then sheeted the floor while Noel did things around the house and garden. By 2200 that night I had the outside of the shed completed. Damien stayed with us again for another sleepover.

Thursday, July 17, 2015
Ruby & Sarah continued with the cleaning and painting. Me & Noel went to the storage locker and picked up the shed bench, shelving, tools, etc, etc. After we got back I started setting up things in the shed and Noel got at cleaning up the animal enclosure - trimming the grass, raking, leveling, etc. After supper Noel took Damien to his soccer and I got at setting up the internet - dsl here out this way and had to change the phone lines in the house to get it working. Damien with us again tonight.

Friday, July 18, 2015
Ruby & Sarah into their old place to do some packing to get things ready to move tomorrow. Me, Noel & Damien into Woodstock for me to pick up some things to hook up the macerator system for our sewer in the motorhome. After I got back I hooked up the system and ran a 1" line into Noel's sewage system in his basement. The gave it a try and worked good except for a small leak in the macerator pump which will have to be checked out.

Its been a busy 4 days for everybody but things are getting done with lots of work left to be done but with everyone working together we'll get 'er done.

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