Friday, July 10, 2015

Day 2115

A sunny day here today and 27. Its 21 here now.
After breakfast this morning Ruby went into Noel's and her & Sarah took Landon to the doctor to get a needle - he didn't like it. I got at cleaning out the shed - its amazing how much stuff that was in the shed. Sarah & Landon here in the afternoon. Noel picked up Damien & Payton on his way home from work, brought them here and then him & Sarah went into Woodstock to do some business. I loaded up our car with things from the shed and then me & Damien took it into Noel's storage locker in Woodstock. Then Noel, Sarah & Bob back here and we all had supper, After supper Ruby, Sarah & Bob took Damien, Payton & Landon to the pool. Me & Noel loaded his truck and our car with the rest of the things from the shed and then me, Noel & Damien took them to the storage locker. After I got back home I went up to the pool to freshen up - Payton came up with me. After we got back Ruby took Payton to her mom in Hickson.

Cleaning out the shed.....

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