Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Day 2126

A sunny day here today and 25. Its 17 here now.
Ruby into Woodstock this morning for her meeting and some shopping after. I got at doing a few things around the motorhome, shed, garden, etc. Landon was out to help me get things done lol. Me and Noel then went to their old place and took a load of items to the Salvation Army store in Woodstock. Then back to get another load to take to their new place. After that I went to their storage locker to get a few things of mine. Then Noel off to work and Sarah & Landon here for supper with us, After supper Sarah went to her softball game and we watched Landon. Damien & Payton dropped here by their mom after Damien's soccer and they are with us for a sleepover in the motorhome.

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