Friday, July 31, 2015

Day 2136

A nice sunny day here today and 32. Its 25 here now.
Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast I organized the shed - set up the fridges, etc. Ruby gave the furniture in the motorhome a good cleaning. After lunch I helped Noel get their new clothes dryer in their laundry room - its a gas dryer so we will hook it up later after we get a flexible gas line. I then started putting the door jams, facings etc back together - we had to remove them earlier to get the washer and dryer in the laundry room. After that I got in the pool to freshen up.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Day 2135

A nice sunny day here today and 29. Its 22 here now.
After breakfast this morning i went to a golf course in Woodstock where I met 5 other guys and played 18 holes of golf with them - 2 teams of 3. Ruby got at shampooing the carpets in the motorhome. After I got back home I was in the pool with Landon. After supper I took Landon out in his car and then the 5 of us went into Woodstock in Noel's pickup and picked up a load of pallets for outdoor firewood.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Day 2134

Another hot sunny day here today and 33. Its 27 here now.
Into Woodstock this morning to pick up the items needed to run 30 amp electrical line for the motorhome. After breakfast I got at hooking up the line. Had to join at each end the cable I had ran underground earlier and placed the 30 amp receptacle on the back of the shed. Also ran power to the shed. Finished up just before supper time - we can now use the ac in the motorhome.. We now have water, sewer & electrical ran underground to the motorhome. Then in the pool to freshen up before supper. After supper back in the pool with Landon again.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Day 2133

Another hot sunny day here today and 30. Its 26 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby into Woodstock for her meeting and some shopping after. After breakfast I installed underground water line and electrical cable to replace the temp ones. Finished up the water line but needs more items to finish up the electrical. After supper we went into Woodstock to pick up a few things and took Landon along for an ice cream at DQ. After we got back home Ruby watched Landon while Sarah went to her ball game.

He loves his DQ.......

Monday, July 27, 2015

Day 2132

A hot sunny day here today and 31. Its 27 here now.
Into Woodstock this morning where I met 2 guys from the park we used to stay in and played 9 holes of golf with them - to hot to play 18 holes. After I got back I replaced the macerator pump on the motorhome - the new one I installed earlier was leaking so they replaced it. I also installed quick release connections so I can unhook or remove pump easily. After supper we watched Landon while Sarah went to her ball game.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Day 2131

A nice sunny day here today and 30. Its 26 here now.
Into a golf course in Woodstock this morning where we met Gerry & Yvonne and played 9 holes of golf with them. All out for lunch after golf. When we got back home I did a few more little jobs in Noel's house. Damien & Payton got back from their camping trip. Relaxing after supper.

Day 2130

Saturday, July 25, 2015
A nice sunny day here today and 30. Its 19 here now.
Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast me & Noel took a load of garbage to the Salford dump. After lunch we installed the new washer that Noel & Sarah had just purchased. Had to remove part of the facings & door jam to get the washer into the laundry room as the opening was 26.25" and the washer was 27" wide. We then had a BBQ for supper and after supper had a fire and some of Sarah's family joined us.

BBQ & fire........

Friday, July 24, 2015

Day 2129

A nice sunny day here today and 28. Its 21 here now.
Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast I got at mowing the lawn - took quite a while to do with a push mower as there is lots to mow. Ruby watched Landon for most of the day. Noel got at cleaning the pool and I helped him after I finished the mowing. We then had a dip in the pool before supper. Relaxing after supper.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Day 2128

A nice sunny day here today and 27. Its 21 here now.
Landon over to wake up Ruby this morning. I went into Woodstock where I met 3 other guys (2 from BVP & 1 from Brampton) and played 18 holes of golf with them. After golf I picked up a few items in Woodstock. When I got back home I went with Noel into his old place to pick up their last few items - closing day today on their old place. After we got back home we all had supper together.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 2127

A mostly sunny day here today and 23. Its 16 here now.
Help get Damien & Payton ready for their camping trip - Sue & Tina (Sarah's mother & sister) took all the grandkids for a 3 night camping trip. A company here this morning to take out old tub etc and install new tub in their new place. I installed permanent wiring & switch for the macerator pump on the motorhome - only had temp wiring there before. Ruby was looking after Landon. After that I mowed part of the lawn - lots of lawn here to mow. After supper we went into Woodstock to pick up a few items.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Day 2126

A sunny day here today and 25. Its 17 here now.
Ruby into Woodstock this morning for her meeting and some shopping after. I got at doing a few things around the motorhome, shed, garden, etc. Landon was out to help me get things done lol. Me and Noel then went to their old place and took a load of items to the Salvation Army store in Woodstock. Then back to get another load to take to their new place. After that I went to their storage locker to get a few things of mine. Then Noel off to work and Sarah & Landon here for supper with us, After supper Sarah went to her softball game and we watched Landon. Damien & Payton dropped here by their mom after Damien's soccer and they are with us for a sleepover in the motorhome.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Day 2125

Another hot humid day here today and 28. Its 21 here now.
We went into Noel's old place this morning to finish taking some things out to bring back to their new place. Ruby and Sarah got at cleaning the house and I mowed the lawn while Noel brought a load to the new place. Then home for lunch and after lunch Ruby & Sarah went back to do some more cleaning to get things ready for the buyers final walk through on Wednesday. Noel got ready to go to work and I got at cleaning out and storing things in the shed that was on the property when they bought it. Then set up things in my shed and gave it a cleaning. Landon here with us for supper while Sarah went to do some business.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Day 2124

A hot humid day here today with a thunderstorm in the afternoon and 28. Its 23 here now.
After breakfast this morning we went into Woodstock where we met Gerry & Yvonne at a golf course and played 9 holes with them. After golf we went all went out for lunch. Then back home where we got at doing some things with getting things setup at the new place - installed closet rods & shelves downstairs, etc. After supper Noel, Sarah, Damien & Payton went to Sarah's ball game and me & Ruby stayed and looked after Landon - I had a dip in the pool. Damien & payton out with us tonight for a sleepover.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Day 2123

A hot humid sunny day here today and 30. Its 23 here now.
Another very busy day today. We picked up a uhaul cube van this morning and then into Noel's old place to start with the big move. Between the cube van and Noel's truck we got most everything move to the new place with lots of help from Sara2. This will be Noel, Sarah, Damien & Payton's first night sleeping in their new home - Landon is at Sarah mom's for the night as everyone busy getting things set up.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Days 2119 to 2122

Ya back at the blog - had no internet until last night and we've been very busy, so lets catch up.

Tuesday, July 15, 2015
On Tuesday morning Ruby went to her meeting in Woodstock. Me and Damien got the motorhome ready and drove it to Noel's place on Beachville Rd. Got parked and set up. Ruby, Sarah & Sara2 started with the cleaning of the new place. Me & Noel doing things that needed to be done. Noel took Damien to his soccer after supper. Damien stayed with us for a sleepover - first time sleeping there.

Wednesday, July 16, 2015
Ruby and Sarah back at the house cleaning again today and Sarah painting the trim. Me & Noel cleared a spot for the shed and set up the floor joist. I then sheeted the floor while Noel did things around the house and garden. By 2200 that night I had the outside of the shed completed. Damien stayed with us again for another sleepover.

Thursday, July 17, 2015
Ruby & Sarah continued with the cleaning and painting. Me & Noel went to the storage locker and picked up the shed bench, shelving, tools, etc, etc. After we got back I started setting up things in the shed and Noel got at cleaning up the animal enclosure - trimming the grass, raking, leveling, etc. After supper Noel took Damien to his soccer and I got at setting up the internet - dsl here out this way and had to change the phone lines in the house to get it working. Damien with us again tonight.

Friday, July 18, 2015
Ruby & Sarah into their old place to do some packing to get things ready to move tomorrow. Me, Noel & Damien into Woodstock for me to pick up some things to hook up the macerator system for our sewer in the motorhome. After I got back I hooked up the system and ran a 1" line into Noel's sewage system in his basement. The gave it a try and worked good except for a small leak in the macerator pump which will have to be checked out.

Its been a busy 4 days for everybody but things are getting done with lots of work left to be done but with everyone working together we'll get 'er done.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Day 2118

A sunny day here today and 29. Its 22 here now.
After breakfast with Damien & Payton this morning we went into Noel's where Ruby watched the grandkids and me, Noel & Sarah went to their new place to check up on things - their mover was late getting there so they were still in the process. Then it was back to Noel's and then back to our place where we started getting the motorhome ready for the move tomorrow - checked tire pressure, slides in, filled water tank, etc, etc. Then back into Noel's where Ruby again watched the grandkids while we went back to their new place and they were getting close to the finish line. We unloaded the shed from Noel's truck and Noel & Sarah went to the lawyer's office to sign the papers and get the keys - they officially own it now. I then went back to Noel's in his truck and we all had supper there. After supper we took a load of outside things from Noel's to the new place. Then into our place to pick up our outdoor furniture, flowers, lawnmower, car dolly, etc and took that to the new place. Then Ruby, Sarah & Sara started giving the place a good cleaning. After that Damien came back with us for a sleep over for our last night in the park.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Day 2117

A mostly sunny day here today and 27. Its 21 here now.
Went out this morning and got things ready to start dismantling the shed. Noel & Landon here for breakfast and after breakfast me & Noel started on the shed. Sarah here shortly after. Then Ruby, Sarah & Landon went to London to do some shopping. We took the shed apart and then did the same with the floor. After that we packed it all in Noel's pickup and strapped it down - will bring it to his new place tomorrow. Ruby, Sarah & Landon back from shopping and Landon stayed here with us. We then took him up to the pool for awhile. After supper we went into Woodstock for Sarah's ball game. Then back to Noel's until Damien & Payton got dropped off there by their mom. They came back with us for a sleepover.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Day 2116

A sunny day here today and 28. Its 23 here now.
Into Noel's this morning and I went to their new place with them for another walk through to see how things were progressing. Then back home for breakfast and after breakfast got back at getting things ready for our move on Tuesday. After taking down the gazebo etc I mowed the lawn and after lunch put a few more things from the lot in the motorhome. Then it was time to head to the pool to try and cool down.

Harley & Zoey playing........

Friday, July 10, 2015

Day 2115

A sunny day here today and 27. Its 21 here now.
After breakfast this morning Ruby went into Noel's and her & Sarah took Landon to the doctor to get a needle - he didn't like it. I got at cleaning out the shed - its amazing how much stuff that was in the shed. Sarah & Landon here in the afternoon. Noel picked up Damien & Payton on his way home from work, brought them here and then him & Sarah went into Woodstock to do some business. I loaded up our car with things from the shed and then me & Damien took it into Noel's storage locker in Woodstock. Then Noel, Sarah & Bob back here and we all had supper, After supper Ruby, Sarah & Bob took Damien, Payton & Landon to the pool. Me & Noel loaded his truck and our car with the rest of the things from the shed and then me, Noel & Damien took them to the storage locker. After I got back home I went up to the pool to freshen up - Payton came up with me. After we got back Ruby took Payton to her mom in Hickson.

Cleaning out the shed.....

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Day 2114

Cloudy with a little rain but cleared up and sunny after and 22. Its 18 here now.
4 of us from the park were suppose to go golfing this morning but the morning rain cancelled that. After breakfast I went across the road to our neighbours and did some electrical wiring for him - wired a receptacle on a switch for his compressor and another one for his shed. After lunch I went with Jim to his motorhome to check out why a couple of his indoor lights were not working. Found bad switches on both lights, took them apart, cleaned them and reinstalled - working good now. After that I did a few more things to get ready for our move next week. We then got ready and went into Noel's to watch the grandkids while Noel & Sarah went into Woodstock to do some business. Stayed to have supper with them. After supper Noel took Damien to his soccer in Tavistock and we took Payton into Woodstock to Sarah's softball game. After the game we went back to Noel's for awhile and them took Payton to her mom's in Hickson and them headed home.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Day 2113

Sunny in the morning and cloudy in the afternoon here today and 20. Its 17 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby up to the park chalet for her exercise class. After breakfast we flushed the black water tank on the motorhome. Noel, Damien & Landon here at lunchtime and Sarah came out a little later. Me and Noel then disconnect the satellite dish and removed it from the shed - getting ready for the move next week. We then went to the park pool for a swim. We had supper together and then Noel took Damien to his karate and shortly after Sarah took Landon home.

He loves his big brother.....

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day 2112

A cloudy day here today with rain starting at lunch time and 25. Its 17 here now.
After breakfast this morning Ruby & Payton went into Woodstock for Ruby's meeting and some shopping after. Me & Damien went out and got at cleaning up and painting the spans where I had done the replacements earlier. After that I mowed & trimmed the lawn - finished in the rain. After lunch we went across the road to Vic's to cut of a couple of limbs for him with my electric chainsaw. Damien cut of one limb - it was his first time using a chainsaw. We then reinstalled the compartment in the motorhome that I had removed to replace the spans and packed the gear back in it. After that we went to the park pool to have a swim in the rain - we stayed until the thunder started. Ruby & Payton brought home KFC for supper and after supper Noel came and picked up Damien & Payton.

Helping pop.......

Monday, July 6, 2015

Day 2111

A sunny day here today and 29. Its 22 here now.
Went into Woodstock this morning, along with 3 other guys from our park and played 18 holes of golf, Ruby up to the park chalet for her exercise class. She then went into Noel's to watch Landon while Sarah went into town. After I got home from golf Sarah picked me up and we went to their place. Damien & Payton were dropped of there and we all had supper there. After supper Damien & Payton come back to our place for a sleepover. When we got back we went to the park pool for a swim.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Day 2110

A mostly sunny day here today and 27. Its 21 here now.
After a lite breakfast this morning we went into Woodstock where we met Gerry & Yvonne at a golf course and played 9 holes of golf with them. After golf the 4 of us went out for lunch. We then went to Noel's to see Noel, Sarah & Landon. Then home for some relaxing.

Swimming in hsi clothes....

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Day 2109

A sunny day here today and 26. Its 21 here now.
Out first thing this morning to get things ready to weld new pieces in the motorhome compartments framing. Scraped & cleaned the cabinet & front framing that I had removed to get at the spans. Also painted them. Then Noel, Sarah & Landon here for breakfast and after breakfast me & Noel got at the welding. Got a lot done and then they left to take Landon home for his nap - he wouldn't go to sleep here. I finished up the welding after they left. It took awhile as it was a hard spot to do the grinding and welding. It was the first time I used a mig welder so it took a while to get use to it. Then I put all the tools etc away and got cleaned up. Relaxing after supper.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Day 2108

A mostly sunny day here today with some lite cloud and 24. Its 21 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby up to the park chalet for her exercise class. After breakfast I did some repairs on the motorhome awning and then installed the wiper arms / wipers that I had removed earlier - did some repairs on them and will get new ones when we get back to Florida. Ruby went into Woodstock to pick up a few things and visit Landon. After breakfast I removed a compartment on the rear of the motorhome and cut out 2 of the spans that had rusted. Then Noel, Sarah & Landon here for a BBQ supper. After supper we took Landon to the park pool for a swim.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Day 2107

A mostly sunny day here today and 22. Its 20 here now.
Me and Ray went to a golf course in Woodstock this morning and played 18 holes of golf. After I got back home I measured the lengths of the square metal spans I need for the motorhome - gonna replace 3 that are rusted. Then went to a welding shop in Hickson and picked up the 3 pieces. Relaxing after supper.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day 2106

A mostly cloudy day here today with some sunny periods and 22. Its 18 here now.
After breakfast this morning we got ready and went to Embro where we met Sarah, Landon, Bob & Brooklyn. They have a town garden / garage sales there for Canada Day. Parked at a park there and did some walking around the town checking out all the yard sales. We then stopped at the Embro Fire hall for a lunch - they were selling hot dogs, hamburgers, drinks, etc as a fundraiser. After that we did some more walking around town and then we all went back to Noel's to check out their new pet which I had not seen yet. Then we headed back home for some relaxing.

Meet the new pet - Zoey.....