Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day 1730 & 1731

A mix of sun & cloud here today with rain in the evening and 25º. Its 19º here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby up to the park chalet for her exercise. After breakfast I washed & waxed our motorhome and then washed & waxed our vehicle. Also packed some more things in the motorhome basement for our trip home. Sarah & Landon here in the afternoon and Sarah brought out some things for us to take to NL for them. Noel picked up Damien & Payton on his way home from work and they came here for supper. After supper we all went to the park pool for a swim - a short time in the pool as it started to rain with some thunder & lightning. 

At the pool......

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Oops deleted Tuesday's blog my mistake so will try and recollect lol.
A mix of sun and cloud with a couple of thunderstorms and 28º.
4 of us went to a golf course in Woodstock for 18 holes of golf. Ruby went into Woodstock for her meeting and some shopping after. We only got to hole #4 on the golf course and had to stop because of a thunderstorm - got plenty wet walking back to the clubhouse. Got a raincheck for another day. Ruby in to visit Sarah & Landon on her way back home. I went to the park pool in the afternoon. When Ruby got back home we got ready and went to Noel's for supper and then went to Damien's soccer game. Had quite the rain & wind storm while there - everyone went to the shelter there but by that time the kids were soaked. They continued play after the storm.

At Damien's soccer game.....

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