Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 1517

Another cold windy day today until we almost got to Whiteland, IN where it was a little warmer and not so windy - not shorts weather yet though.
Left PFJ in London, ON at 0755 this morning and got to the border in Sarnia at 0908. By 0918 we were across. We then drove to a PFJ in Whiteland, IN with a stop at a rest area along the way for a lunch and arrived there at 1625. Fueled up and parked for the night. 
Very strong gusty winds today which did not make for pleasant driving and a rock from a vehicle put a chip in our windshield but we made it ok. There are some cracks around the chip and if they do not spread I will see if I can get it repaired when we get to Florida.

Today's travel.....

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