Sunday, October 13, 2013

Day 1504

A cloudy day here today with showers throughout the day and cleared in the late afternoon and 18º. Its 12º here now.
After breakfast this morning Ruby got the turkey ready and I took it to Noel's to be cooked and Ruby cooked the ham here. I then went into Woodstock to pick up a couple of things. After I got back Ruby have everything ready to take to Noel's for our birthday / Thanksgiving / Christmas dinner. Ruby and Sarah got at cooking the meal - turkey, ham, salt beef, pease pudding, bread puddings, veggies, etc. Sarah's parents there for supper too. After a great meal Noel & Damien opened their gifts - its Noel's birthday today and Damien's birthday on Tuesday. Damien couldn't wait until Tuesday so he opened his gifts today lol. After that we had dessert - birthday cake and 2 desserts Ruby had made. It was a great day spent with family and as per normal everybody ate too much.

At Noel & Sarah's..........

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