Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 1023

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Another hot humid one here today and 32º with a couple of wicked thunderstorms in the evening. That's why i'm late doing the blog - lightening struck the tower and took out our internet.
Ruby into Tammy's at 6 am for her to go to work and to wait for the grandkids to get up. After she got them off to school. I did my morning bus run and them did a charter from Kitchener to Cambridge. After a short break home I returned to Cambridge and did the return on the charter back to Kitchener and then to Baden to do my regular afternoon bus run. While I was gone Ruby got a call from the school that Damien wasn't feeling well so she went in and picked him up. She brought him back to our place and they went to the pool to cool down. After Tammy got home from work she then brought him to Tammy's. After supper we went to the park chalet for a strawberry social. - dessert lol.

Our boy

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