Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 1032

Another hot one here today and 30º. Its 27º here now.
Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast I touched up a few spots on the bottom of the doors on our vehicle. Then we were off to the pool and after decorated our place for Canada Day. Relaxed after - too hot to do anything lol - and BBQ'd for supper. After supper up to the pool for another cool down. 

Our afternoon

Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 1031

Hot sunny day here today and 29c. Its 24c here now.
Into Woodstock this morning where we met Gerry & Yvonne for nine holes of golf. After our golf game we went for a brunch. When we got back home we went to the pool to cool down. I then returned my bus to Kitchener - finished with the busing as we are planning to go to Florida in the fall. Stayed for year end get together with a lunch provided by the bus company. Got a ride back home with another bus driver. Relaxed on the deck then with a glass of wine and played Rummy-O.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 1030

A hot sunny day here today and 32º. Its 26º here now.
Into Kitchener to do a charter pick up this morning. Stayed in and did the return in the afternoon. Stopped at Tammy's on my way home and picked up the grandkids for a bus ride to our place. Then took all my gear out off the bus as it has to be returned tomorrow. After supper we were up to the pool to cool down. Spent the evening playing ball etc with the grandkids. Ruby just took them to Tammy's to get them in bed and stay with them until Tammy gets home from work. 

Our boy graduated Grade 2 - going to Grade 3

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 1029

Mostly sunny here today with a couple hours of clouds & light showers in the afternoon and 27c. Its 24c here now.
Did my morning bus run and went into Kitchener after for repairs and fuel. After breakfast I helped a couple, who are moving out off the park, load some furniture. Then did my afternoon bus run - finished with the regular school year run now. While I was gone Ruby went in and picked up the kids from school. After supper we all went to Damien's karate. We then took the grandkids shopping with their allowance. Then back home where I was dropped off and Ruby took them to Tammy's to get them in bed and stay with them until Tammy gets home from work.

Our baby girl graduated kindergarten today

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 1028


Sunny but windy here today and 24c. Its 23c here now.
Did my morning bus run. Ruby into Woodstock for her meeting and some shopping. I left before lunch time and went to New Hamburg where I met other bus drivers and we went to lunch and then did my afternoon bus run. After Ruby got home she went to Noel's and picked up Payton and then into Tammy's and picked up Damien when he got out off school. After supper I took Damien into Tammy's where he got picked up for his out-of-town soccer game. When I got back Ruby took Payton to Tavistock for her soccer game. After soccer she will take Payton to Tammy's, wait for Damien to get there, get them in bed and stay with them until Tammy gets home from work.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 1027

Sunny but with a cool wind here today and 19º. Its 19º here now.
Did my morning bus run and then went into Waterloo to do the first part of a charter then headed home. After a short break at home I went back to Waterloo to do the return on the charter then right into my regular afternoon bus run. While I was gone Ruby went in and picked up the grandkids after they got home from school. After supper Ruby took Payton to her Sparks and me and Damien went for a bike ride. Ruby back and picked up Damien, they went to Tavistock to pick up Payton and then she will bring them to Tammy's. Then she will get them in bed and stay with them until Tammy gets home from work.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 1026

Some sun and some cloud here today and 25c. Its 24c here now.
Into Woodstock this morning where we met Gerry & Yvonne at Cedar Creek Golf Course and played 9 holes of golf. After we had brunch there. We dropped in to see Noel & the grandkids on the way home. Relaxing now.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 1025

Warm sunny day here today and 25c. Its 19c here now.
I took Payton to a soccer tournament in Thorndale this morning - she oplayed 3 games and we got back home after lunch. Noel picked up Damien after he got home from work and took him to a birthday party. Me, Ruby & Payton up to the pool for a swim. Noel picked up Payton before supper. We then went to the par chalet for a BBQ and games night after.

Yesterday at the pool

Payton's pics

At Payton's soccer tournament