Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 997

Another hot one here today and 29º. Its 23º here now.
Up bright and early with the grandkids. After breakfast we took Damien to his karate class and then did a little shopping - Ruby bought a set of golf clubs. Gonna play her first game of golf tomorrow morning. When we got back home Noel was here and he took Damien to a birthday party. Me, Ruby & Payton went to the park pool. Noel picked Payton up after our swim. BBQ for supper and then I was back to the pool for another dip. Friends of ours, Gerry & Yvonne, from Woodstock here after supper for a visit. We are playing golf with them tomorrow morning.

Start of  our Cruise Trip Pics

Day 1 - Wed - May 09 - Toronto

Day 2 - Thurs - May 10 - Miami


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