Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 1002

(Ruby's birthday party will be on Sunday - all invited)

Mostly sunny day here today and 20º. Its 19º here now.
Ruby into Tammy's at 6 am for her to go to work and to wait for the grandkids to get up. I did my morning bus run and went for fuel after. Ruby got Damien & Payton off to school. After breakfast I mowed the lawn and then did my afternoon bus run. Ruby into Woodstock while I was gone to pick up a few things. Waiting now for Tammy to bring the grandkids here after their soccer - they are coming for a sleepover - no school for them tomorrow.

Payton with us Wed

Ruby's birthday gifts & cards

More cruise trip pics

Day 10 - Fri - May 18 - Day at sea

Day 11 - Sat - May 19 - Into Miami

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