Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 758

Cool, cloudy, wet day here today and 16º. Its 8º here now.
Did my morning bus run and stopped for tea after. After breakfast Ruby out for her walk and I mowed the lawn. Had a flat tire on our vehicle - blew it up and found the leak but no tire repair kit. I did my afternoon bus run and Noel dropped the grandkids here on his way to work. After I got home I blew up the tire again and we took the grandkids to their gymnastics. Added some more air to the tire and picked up a tire repair kit. After gymnastics we took the grandkids out for supper. When we got back home I got at repairing the tire. Found 2 holes about 1/2" apart and plugged them - must have ran over a staple or something similar. Will have to look at investing in a good set of tires before winter. Ruby just took the grandkids home and she is staying with them until Tammy gets home from work.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 757

Mostly cloudy with showers off & on all day and 19º. Its 15º here now.
Did my morning bus run and into Kitchener to get a headlight replaced. After breakfast Ruby out for her walk. I checked out some parts for our furnace - pilot light keeps going out. Then it was off on my afternoon bus run. While I was gone Ruby picked up the grandkids after they got out of school. After supper I took Damien to his karate class. Then Ruby took the grandkids home and is staying with them until Tammy gets home from work.

A few more

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 756

Mostly cloudy here today with some sunny periods and 21º. Some showers here now and 16º.
Did my morning bus run and stopped for tea after. Could not get the bus in the park when I got back due to the installation of the new sewer system. Parked on the side of the road coming into the park. Ruby out for her walk and I dug out some garden ties I had left over. We then figured out how we are going to set up two flower gardens - one on each side of the steps to the deck. Then it was off on my afternoon bus run and Ruby in to pick up the grandkids when Damien got home from school. When I got home I took Damien to his karate class. After supper Ruby took the grandkids home and is staying with them until Tammy gets home from work.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 755

Some early morning showers but nice sunny day after and 23º. Its 15º here now.
Did my morning bus run and into Kitchener after to get the bus serviced. Ruby into Woodstock for her meeting and some shopping. After lunch I did my afternoon bus run and Ruby in to pick up the grandkids after they got home from school. After supper took the grandkids down to the end of the park to feed the fish and went for a walk in the forest. Then Ruby took them home and is staying with them until Tammy gets home from work.

Feeding the fish

Having fun

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 754

Cloudy and warm here today with a few shower in the afternoon and 24º. Thunder showers here now and 20º.
Did my morning bus run and stopped for tea after. After I got home Ruby went for her walk. After breakfast I cut some limbs of our trees and our neighbors trees and we took them down to the end of the park. Ruby cleaned the inside of our vehicle. I then went on my afternoon bus run and Ruby went in and picked up the grandkids after Damien got home from school. After supper Ruby took the grandkids home, Payton is going to Sparks, and she is staying with them until Tammy gets home from work.

A couple more

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 753

Nice warm sunny day here today and 24º. Its 18º here now.
After breakfast I took our motorhome down to its parking spot at the end of the park. Turned everything off, removed batteries, etc and brought the batteries back to the shed for the winter. Then I dropped Ruby off for her walk and went into Noel's. Me, Noel & Damien went in and picked up James and then checked mine and Noel's trail cams. We then went and did some bow target shooting - Damien hit the bulls eye with his first shot - way to go. When I got back home I went down and put the covers on the motorhome tires - its now officially stored for the winter - last time hopefully. After supper relax time.

My trail cam pics

Future hunter

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 752

Nice sunny day here today and 21º. Its 14º here now.
Up bright and early with the grandkids - gotta love it. After breakfast I went out and washed and waxed the front of the motorhome - hard to get the bugs off. Then we took Damien into Woodstock to his karate class to be tested for his orange belt - he did great and got his belt - congrats. We then took them for lunch at their favorite place and some shopping after for them to spend their allowance. After we got back home I finished washing and waxing the rest of the motorhome. Tammy picked up the grandkids on her way home from work. Then we went to the park chalet for an appreciation BBQ by the park owners. A couple from Woodstock ( they used to have a trailer here in the park) came to our place for a visit and to have a look at our motorhome.

Damien testing for his orange belt