Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Day 4813

A sunny day here today and 10. It's 7 here now.
After breakfast this morning we left our hotel in Port Huron, MI at 0815. At the toll booth 5 minutes after, a couple of minutes to get through there and then about a minute to get through the border in the Nexus lane. We made a couple of stops along the way to pick up a few things and arrived home at 1045. Noel had most everything setup with our trailer. Unloaded the vehicle and Ruby got things packed away. Damien and Payton up to see us. After lunch me and Noel went into Woodstock to pick up a heater element for the trailer hot water tank. Installed it when we got back. Then me and gramma down to the road to meet Landon and Charlie when they got off their school bus. Landon and Charlie sleeping here with us tonight.

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