Saturday, April 30, 2022

Day 4923

 A mix of sun and clouds here today and 16. It's 11 here now. 

Landon up from the house this morning to have breakfast with us. After that me and Noel got at the electrical for his shack up back. I wired up the panel box and Noel buried the cable halfway down to the shop - he ordered 2 cables but only 1 here yet. After lunch I finished wiring up the lights, receptacles and switches inside the shack. After as supper had a fire and roasted some marshmallows.

Fire time...

Friday, April 29, 2022

Day 4922

 A sunny day here today and 16. It's 12 here now.

Got the grandkids ready this morning and then took them down to get their school bus. After that me and Noel installed a brake controller on his pickup. We then went into Cambridge and brought back their new trailer. After lunch I went for a walk. Charlie sleeping here with us tonight.

New one...

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Day 4921

 A sunny day here today and 12. It's 8 here now.

Up with the grandkids this morning, got them ready and took them down to get their school bus. After that I went for a walk. When I got back I helped Noel plant some trees along his property boundary line. We then leveled his shack out back. After lunch we went into Cambridge to pick up their new trailer but didn't get it and will return tomorrow to pick it up. Landon and Charlie sleeping here with us tonight.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Day 4920

 A cold cloudy windy day here today with some flurries and 1. It's -2 here now brrrrrr.

Got the grandkids up, got breakfast for them, got them dressed and then took them down to get their school bus. A day in the trailer due to the cold cold weather. Did up and filed Noel, Sarah, and Damien's income tax. Chinese food for supper. Landon and Charlie sleeping here with us tonight. 

Waiting for the bus...

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Day 4819

 Some sun in the morning here today and cloudy thereafter with a cold wind and 8. It's 4 here now.

Had breakfast with the grandkids this morning then got them dressed and took them down to get their school bus. After that I went for a walk - a little cold so had to bundle up. Ruby went to her TOPS meeting with some  to after. When I got back from my walk I finished up entering the 2021 data for Noel's business and did his year end reports. After that I went into Woodstock with Noel to pick up an item. Landon and Charlie sleeping here with us tonight.7

Monday, April 25, 2022

Day 4818

A cloudy day here today with rain in the afternoon and 19. It's 12 here now.
Charlie up from the house this morning. We then got them breakfast, dressed and down to get their bus. After that I went for a walk - first walk since we got back home. Then I went into Woodstock with Noel to pick up some things. When we got back we did some wiring in his shack up back. Landon and Charlie sleeping here with us tonight.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Day 4817

 A mostly sunny day here today and 26. It's 23 here now.

After breakfast this morning the grandkids up from the house. We then got them and ourselves ready and went to Costco in London. Picked up a batch of stock, had an icecream before we left and then took the grandkids to McDs before heading back home. Grandkids said it was a backwards meal - dessert first and meal after lol. Landon sleeping here with us tonight.

Costco & McDs...

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Day 4816

 Cloudy in the morning here today and sunny in the afternoon and 16. It's 14 here now.

After breakfast with the grandkids this morning me, Noel, Damien and Landon went into Woodstock where we picked up Bob. Then we went to Hamilton for Monster Jam. We had tickets for it back in October but it was cancelled and rescheduled for today. After Sarah got home from work Ruby, Sarah, Payton and Charlie went out for supper.

Monster Jam day...

Friday, April 22, 2022

Day 4815

 A sunny day here today with some clouds in the late afternoon and 14. It's 11 am here now.

Got the grandkids fed, dressed and on their school bus this morning. After that Noel took me to Dorchester for me to get our motorhome out of storage. Ran into a problem as it would not start - turned over but no offer whatsoever to start. Called roadside assistance and they sent a tow truck to take it to a garage in Woodstock. They will have a look at it on Tuesday. Also getting it serviced while it's there. Then back home where I installed some eternabond tape and caulking on our trailer roof - had a small leak. Will know when we get the next rain if I found the leak. After that down to the road to meet Landon and Charlie's bus and they are sleeping here with us tonight. 

Towing out of storage...

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Day 4814

Rain in the morning here today, then cloudy and sun in the afternoon and 16. It's 16 here now.
We got the grandkids fed and dressed this morning and then I took them down to the road to get their school bus. After that me and Noel went into Woodstock to pick up a few things and I checked on the progress of our new vehicle. Heard back from the dealer manager in the afternoon and we should get it within a month. Down to meet Landon and Charlie's school bus in the afternoon and they are sleeping here with us tonight.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Day 4813

A sunny day here today and 10. It's 7 here now.
After breakfast this morning we left our hotel in Port Huron, MI at 0815. At the toll booth 5 minutes after, a couple of minutes to get through there and then about a minute to get through the border in the Nexus lane. We made a couple of stops along the way to pick up a few things and arrived home at 1045. Noel had most everything setup with our trailer. Unloaded the vehicle and Ruby got things packed away. Damien and Payton up to see us. After lunch me and Noel went into Woodstock to pick up a heater element for the trailer hot water tank. Installed it when we got back. Then me and gramma down to the road to meet Landon and Charlie when they got off their school bus. Landon and Charlie sleeping here with us tonight.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Day 4812

A cloudy day driving today with a few lite rain showers, some flurries, some wet snow and some hail - had a bit of everything today. It's 6 here in Port Huron now.
After breakfast this morning we left our hotel in Georgetown, KY at 0825. Had 1 major stoppage/slowdown with an accident which shutdown all I-75 north and part of I-75 south. All traffic was rerouted through Monroe, OH which took quite a while. Other than that it was the usual traffic and stops. We arrived at our hotel in Port Huron, MI at 1530. Got settled in and then out for supper.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Day 4811

 A cloudy day driving today with a few lite rain showers throughout the day. It's 8 here in Georgetown, KY now, brrrrrr.

After breakfast this morning we left our hotel in Macon, GA at 0825. Lots of traffic today with lots of trucks. Had 2 major hangups - an accident south of Atlanta which closed 3 lanes and construction in Tennessee down to 1 lane. No problems going through Atlanta, got in the HOV lane and sailed right through. Made a couple of stops and arrived at our hotel in Georgetown, KY at 1700. Got settled in and then out for supper.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Day 4810

 A warm sunny day driving today. It's 19 here in Macon, Georgia now.

After doing the final things to close up our unit we left the park at 0800. A good day driving with light traffic. We made a couple of stops along the way including a stop at Buc-ee's in Calhoun, GA. Never seen so many fuel pumps in one place in my life, must be  close to 100 pumps there and all in use,  unbelievable. There gas prices are 50 cents below the other dealers, that would do it for them being so busy. Also, the number of people in the store was amazing, I thought Costco stores were busy but it was unbelievable there. Arrived at our hotel in Macon, Georgia at 1530. Got settled in and then went out for supper.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Day 4809

 A sunny day here today and 29. It's 24 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast we got back at getting things ready to leave tomorrow. In the afternoon we went out for supper with Mike and Diane. When we got back we packed things in the car and finished up as much as we could until the last few things tomorrow morning. 

At the Hungry Crab restaurant...

New waitress lol...

Friday, April 15, 2022

Day 4808

 A sunny day here today and 28. It's 26 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk. We spent the day getting things ready to head back home - packing things in the shed, in the car, etc, etc. Tim and Sandy here for a visit after supper.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Day 4807

 A sunny day here today and 28. It's 24 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk. I went to Mike's, removed his roof vent covers and did some caulking around the roof vents. After that I took our car to the car wash and gave it a good cleaning inside and outside. We then spent the rest of the day getting things ready to leave - Ruby doing lots of inside packing, I packed a few things in the car and the shed, etc. After that I went to Mike's and reinstalled the roof vent covers that I had removed earlier.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Day 4806

 A sunny day here today and 28. It's 26 here now.

Ruby went to her TOPS meeting this morning. I went out for breakfast with Mike and then we went to a golf course in Largo where we played 18 holes along with Eric and Collin - our last golf outing for this season. Mike and Diane here for supper.

Baby one at the course..

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Day 4805

 A sunny day here today and 29. It's 24 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk. I weeded along the side & front of the trailer, mowed & trimmed the lawn and trimmed back the bushes. Ruby started packing things inside. After lunch we summerized Fred and Dianne's unit. I also cleaned up the BBQ. 

Monday, April 11, 2022

Day 4804

 A sunny day here today and 27. It's 22 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk. I got at repairing the drawer from under Mike's hide-a-bed in his trailer - we brought it here yesterday. The bottom had fallen out of it, corners broken etc. Glued bottom back in place, put extra brace under bottom, placed angle brackets on bottom & corners, etc, etc. Then took it down to Mike's, did some repairs on the drawer slides and installed the drawer. Ruby out for some shopping.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Day 4803

 A sunny day here today and 23. It's 20 here now.

After a late breakfast this morning we said our goodbyes to Larry and Fidele. Ruby went for her walk. I checked some trailers and removed old damprid etc from Fred's unit. Earl and Helen here for a visit in the afternoon. After that we watched golf and watching curling now - Go Canada.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Day 4802

 A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 21. It's 17 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk. We then went out and picked up the items needed to close up our unit for the summer. Also picked up for Fred's unit too - I will do his unit next week. In the afternoon Lawrence, Teresa, Larry and Fidele here for refreshments and finger foods on our deck - they are heading back home tomorrow.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Day 4801

 A sunny day here today and 22. It's 20 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. We then went to the clubhouse for coffee and donuts - bingo had a little thank you get together for the organizers and helpers. After that Ruby went for her walk. I went over to Mike's and with the help of Terry, we removed his old awning and installed a new one. After that we relaxed and watched some golf. 

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Day 4800

 A cloudy day here today with a wicked thunderstorm at lunchtime, rain showers throughout the rest of the day and 26. It's 22 here now.

Golf cancelled this morning due to the weather. I went for my walk. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk. Then a day of watching golf and curling.


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Day 4799

 A mostly sunny day here today and 29. It's 25 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. Ruby went to her TOPS meeting. I went to the clubhouse for the April association meeting and Ruby came to the meeting when she got back home. After that Ruby went out to pick up a few things. In the afternoon we went to Tom and Juan Marie's along with the rest of the association executive for refreshments, appetizers, smoked ribs, salads, etc and dessert - their term of office finished today. Tom and JuanMarie invited the executive and us to celebrate the event - had a great evening.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Day 4798

 A mix of sun and clouds here today and 28. It's 24 here now.

Ruby went to the clubhouse for line dancing this morning and after that she helped set up for tonight's bingo. I went to a golf course in Largo, along with 11 other guys, where we played 18 holes. After golf we all went to the Winghouse for wings and refreshments as this was our last golf outing for most of the golfers this season - still a few here for a couple more games. After I got home I did up and posted the golf teams for Thursday - league is finished but a few of us still getting our last few games in. After supper Ruby went to the clubhouse for bingo.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Day 4797

 A mostly sunny day here today with a few cloudy periods and 29. It's 25 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast we went a pharmacy in the Largo mall and got our 2nd booster shot. When we got back home Ruby went for her walk. I scanned and uploaded our booster shots to our health site in Ontario to get them registered. Got an email back that the Pfizer lot number on our card for our shots was not a legitimate lot number. Then I dropped Trinda at Home Depot and I went back to the pharmacy to check on the lot number. They didn't know why just the numbers printed and not the letters too as it should have. They printed new slips with the proper lot number, I picked up Trinda and back home. I then emailed a copy of the new slips to Ontario health. Ruby and Trinda went out for some shopping. I went to the park pool for a couple of refreshments and to listen to some of the Newfies here in the park playing music - they were checking out some equipment they had recently purchased. Trinda here for supper with us.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Day 4796

 A mix of sun and clouds here today and 25. It's 26 here now.

After breakfast this morning Ruby went for her walk. We then got ready and went to Dayle and Carolyn's with Lawrence and Teresa. Then the 6 of us went to Dunedin in Dayle's van. Had lunch at the Canadian food setup just outside the Blue Jays stadium and then watched the Blue Jays game against the Yankees. 

At the ball game...

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Day 4795

 A mix of sun and clouds here today with rain and thunderstorms in the late afternoon and 26. It's 18 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk. I did some repairs on our 12v cooler - fans weren't working. Cleaned everything up, and oil both fans - working now. Ruby made a couple of meat pies. Trinda over for supper with us.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Day 4794

 Rain in the morning here today and then sun and clouds the rest of the day and 27. It's 23 here now.

Out for my walk this morning and got caught in the rain - got wet but it was warm temp out. After breakfast I went to Staples and did copies of the Apr association calendar and placed them in the clubhouse when I got back. After lunch Ruby and Trinda went out for some shopping. After supper we, along with Trinda, Larry and Fidele, went to Seminole City Center for a free concert - a Journey and Styx tribute band. Tim and Sandy joined us there. Thanks Trinda for the pics and videos.

Concert night...