Saturday, October 31, 2020

Day 4082

 Cold in Toronto this morning but nice and warm here in Largo with a high of 30 and its 26 here now.

Left our hotel in Toronto at 0530 this morning and took a shuttle to the airport. Got to the airport and the amount of people travelling was unbelievable with long lineups - took us 2 hours to get our baggage checked in, get through security and through customs. Our flight was late loading and then we were delayed because of a crew issue and ended up 2 1/4 hours late getting in the air. Arrived in Orlando at 1300, Trinda got a rental vehicle and we headed for Largo. Stopped for a snack along the way (drive through) and arrived at our park at 1615. Got things opened up and some things straightened away before we went to Publix's to get some groceries - everyone there wearing masks, distancing, santanizing carts , etc. Al the places we were in today (airports, etc) everyone wore their mask. 

Enjoying a cold one in the warm....

Friday, October 30, 2020

Day 4081

A cold cloudy day here today with snow on the ground in the morning but all gone by 10 and 4. It's 2 here now. 

We got the grandkids ready for school this morning and I went down to their bus with them. Also said our goodbyes. We then did all the last minute things to close up our trailer for the winter. After lunch Sarah took us to an hotel Woodstock where we got the shuttle to our hotel near the Toronto Airport. Arrived at the hotel at 1530, got checked in and then ordered supper. 

A little taste of winter...

Ready for school...


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Day 4080

 A cloudy cool day here today and 10. Its 7 here now.

We had breakfast with Landon and Charlie this morning before spending the day getting things ready for our trip. They stayed home from school to spend the day with us before we leave tomorrow and are sleeping here with us tonight. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Day 4079

 A mix of sun and cloud here today and 11. Its 7 here now.

We got the grandkids out the door for school this morning and I went down to their bus with them. After that I went into Woodstock to pick up a few things and then went to a car wash to give our vehicle a cleaning. When I got back I parked our vehicle and got it ready for the winter - blocked it up to take weight of the tires, gas stab in tank, removed battery and covered it. then down to meet Landon and Charlie's school bus and they are sleeping here with us tonight.

Vehicle is ready for winter...

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Day 4078

 A cold cloudy wet day here today with clouds in the morning and rain in the afternoon and 7. Its 2 here now.

We got the grandkids ready for school this morning and their mom took them down to get their bus while I took Damien to his school in Woodstock. After I got back I went for a walk. When I got back home I trimmed the trees back of our trailer, cleaned of the tops of the trailer slideouts, cleaned out the shop stove, checked the shop chimney, etc. Ruby got at packing the suitcases for our upcoming trip. In the afternoon I picked up Damien from school. Landon and Charlie sleeping here with us tonight. 

Monday, October 26, 2020

Day 4077

 A cold cloudy day here today and 8. Its 6 here now.

Up with Landon and Charlie this morning and got them ready for school and their mom took them down to get the bus as I went into Hickson to pick up Payton and take her to her school in Woodstock, then picked up a few things in Woodstock before returning home. I then took Noel's tractor from the lean-to to the shop where I removed the mower deck, cleaned it, removed the blades & sharpened them and then stored the deck in the lean-to for the winter. After that I went into Woodstock to pick up Damien & Payton from their school and dropped Payton at her mom's in Hickson and then me and Damien returned home. Then down to meet Landon and Charlie when they got off their bus and they are sleeping here with us tonight.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Day 4076

 A cold cloudy day here today and 6. Its 5 here now.

We had a late Sunday breakfast this morning and then I got some of the paperwork ready for our trip to Florida. Then the grandkids up for the day. In the afternoon we went out with the grandkids and put some halloween decorations in the trees at the front of the garden. Landon and Charlie sleeping here with us tonight.

They love the decorating...

The forger...

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Day 4075

 A cool cloudy day here today with a few sunny breaks and 7. Its 6 here now.

Spent the morning with Landon and Charlie and then before lunch I went for a walk. After lunch Ruby and Charlie went into Woodstock to pick up a few things. I stayed here with Landon while they were gone.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Day 4074

 Sunny in the morning here today with clouds in the afternoon and 23. Its 20 here now.

We got Landon and Charlie out the door for school this morning and I took them down to their bus pick up. After that I went for a walk. I spent the rest of the day in the shop getting some of Noel's equipment setup, braced etc. After lunch Ruby went into Woodstock to pick up a few things. The grandkids are sleeping here with us tonight. 

Getting things organized and setup...

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Day 4072

 Misty rain in the morning here today and a mix of sun and cloud after and 16. Its 10 here now.

We got Landon and Charlie ready for school this morning and then I took them down to get their bus. After that I went for a walk - got a little wet. When I got back I went out in the shop and did some more work on the leg vice stand. After lunch I went into Woodstock to pick up Payton from her school. Then back in the shop where I finished up the leg vice stand. After that I went down to meet Landon and Charlie from their bus. Then me and Noel went into Ingersoll to get Sarah's Jeep. The grandkids are sleeping here with us tonight.

Leg vice stand...

The shop...

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Day 4071

 A mix of sun and cloud here today and 11. Its 9 here now.

We got Landon and Charlie fed and dressed for school this morning. I then took Damien and Payton into Woodstock to their school. While I was gone the grandkids aunt Sara here to bring them down to their bus. When I got back me and Ruby went to Thamesford to see our family doctor - had an early appointment. After we got back home I spent the day getting everything booked/reserved etc for our trip to Florida. Ruby went into Woodstock to pick up a few things. After lunch I went into Woodstock to pick up Damien from school. Then down to get Landon and Charlie from their bus and they are sleeping here with us tonight.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Day 4070

 A cool cloudy day here today with a few lite showers and 7. Its 7 here now.

We got breakfast for Landon and Charlie this morning and got them dressed for school. I then took Damien and Payton to their school in Woodstock and gramma took Landon and Charlie down to get their bus. After I got back home I went for a walk. Then out in the shop where I finished up the shop press - installed a foot pedal to operate the hydraulic ram. The press can now be operated with your 2 feet keeping your hands free to hold the metal - one foot starts the motor and one operates the ram. After that I went into Woodstock to pick up Payton from school. Then back in the shop to start another project - making a metal stand for Noel's leg vice. Then down to get Landon and Charlie from their bus and they are sleeping here with us tonight.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Day 4069

 A mostly cloudy day here today with a few sunny periods, a few lite showers and 13. Its 11 here now.

After breakfast this morning we went into Woodstock, picked up Payton and then went to London for the day to do our Christmas shopping. On the way back home picked up some Mary Browns chicken & wedges for supper. Landon and Charlie sleeping here with us tonight. 

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Day 4068

 A sunny day here today and 11. Its 7 here now.

After breakfast this morning I went for a walk - waited until it warmed up a bit. When I got back I started putting things away for the winter - bbq, water hose, deck furniture, garden furniture, etc, etc. Then me and Noel dismantled and stored the grandkids trampoline. Landon and Charlie up around to keep gramma company. 

A wasp nest Noel found in a tree in the back garden...

Friday, October 16, 2020

Day 4067

 A sunny day here today and 10. Its 7 here now.

We got the grandkids breakfast this morning, got them ready for school and then I took them down to get their bus. After that I took our vehicle in to the Hyundai dealer in Woodstock to have it serviced. Also had a tire repaired as it had a nail in it. While that was being done I went for a walk. When I got back home took everything out of our shed, cleaned it, took some things down to the lower shed and then put the rest back in our shed. 

Damien got his G1 license...

Had a mouse trap in the shed and caught a snake...

Made a shop press from a wood splitter...

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Day 4066

 A very wet day here today with rain all day and 13. Its 8 here now.

Landon and Charlie up from the house for breakfast this morning. We then got them ready for school and I took them down to get their bus. I was going to go golfing then but canceled due to the rain so I spent the day out in the shop working on the shop press. I bbq'd grammas homemade burgers for Damien's birthday supper - he's 16 today.

Charlie had a fun day at school on Tuesday lol...

Damien's birthday supper...