Saturday, July 25, 2020

Day 3981 to Day 3984

Last 4 days a mix of sun and cloud here and 27 on Wed, 28 on Thurs & Fri and 29 here today. Its 26 here now.
Got a bit of a scare on Wednesday morning. Wasn't feeling well when I got up and while I was doing Landon's schooling with him I started to get chest pains and dizzy. Called Ruby and told her to call 911. She gave me a 81 mg aspirin. Ambulance came and took me to the hospital and went they checked my blood pressure it was sky high. Gave me a aspirin and after awhile the pain ease off. They did an ECG, blood work etc and then admitted me to the CCU. That evening I had another episode with chest pain and blood pressure went up again and the nurse gave me a spray of nitro under my tongue and the pain went away and blood pressure went back to normal. Thay had me on blood thinners and pills.
On Thursday I had an echocardiogram (ultrasound) on my heart and all looked good. Again that evening my blood pressure shot up for one reading.
On Friday they shipped me to the hospital in London in a medical van where I had an angiogram (dye test) done. No blockages found but they did find a very minor bit of diseased artery but nothing to cause any problems. After that they brought me back to the Woodstock hospital where they doubled my BP meds. BP stayed down around normal after that.
On Saturday I was discharged after seeing the doctor. Got my instructions etc and a prescription for BP meds and aspirin.
This old age thing isn't what its cracked up to be lol.

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