Thursday, May 9, 2019

Day 3540

A mix of sun and cloud in the morning here today with rain in the late afternoon and 19. Its 17 here now.
Up and got Landon & Charlie breakfast, dressed and Landon out the door this morning. Ruby, Sarah & Charlie went to a school to see Landon and his classmates do a dance. When they got back I watched Charlie while Ruby lay down for the afternoon as she is not feeling well. Me & Charlie walked down to the road to meet Landon' school bus. After that I drove to Payton's bus stop to pick her up. I then went into Woodstock and brought a vehicle back for Ruby to have a look at. We then went to the car dealership and signed all the paperwork to trade our vehicle on a new one - will pick up our new vehicle on Wednesday. After that we went for supper before heading home.

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