Friday, May 31, 2019

Day 3562

A sunny day here today and 22. Its 18 here now.
After breakfast this morning I went to New Hamburg for 5 hours of in bus training with a school bus trainer - did circle check and lots of driving. Charlie up with Ruby all day and Landon sleeping here with us tonight - he's feeling better after his surgery yesterday but throat still sore.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Day 3561

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 21. Its 18 here now.
Down to the house this morning to see Landon before he went to the hospital to have his tonsils removed.  After breakfast I got ready to go to Kitchener for in bus driver training as I was told by my trainor yesterday. Just before I was ready to leave I got an email from the office with my training schedule and was not scheduled until tomorrow morning. Then Charlie up to have breakfast with Ruby - she slept here last night. Landon home from the hospital at lunchtime. After lunch me & Charlie took Noel to the Chrysler dealership in Ingersoll for him to pick up his new truck. On the way back me & Charlie stopped to pick up a few things before heading back home.

At the hospital...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Day 3560

A cloudy day here today with drizzle in the morning and 16. Its 15 here now.
After breakfast this morning I drove to kitchener for day 3 of in class training for school bus driver. In the afternoon Ruby out with Sarah, Landon & Charlie for some shopping. When I got back home I picked up Payton at her bus stop.

Homework time....

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Day 3559

A cloudy wet drizzly day here today and 12. Its 12 here now.
Had breakfast with Landon & Charlie this morning before getting them dressed and out the door. After that i went to Kitchener for another day of school bus training. Ruby went to her TOPS meeting, then picked up Charlie from her daycare and took her shopping. When I got home me & Charlie went to the Chrysler dealership in Ingersoll to pick up Noel - he returned the loaner van her had.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Day 3558

A sunny day here today and 24. Its 19 here now.
We got Landon & Charlie their breakfast, dressed and out the door this morning. After that I went to Sharp Bus Line in Kitchener for driver classroom training. On the way home in the afternoon I picked up Charlie from her daycare. Then down to meet Landon's school bus. Ruby then picked up Payton at her school bus stop and they then went for a walk before heading home.

Noel's throwing axes...

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Day 3557

A sunny day here today and 23. Its 19 here now.
Landon & Charlie up from the house to have breakfast with us this morning. After that we took them into Woodstock with us for some shopping and then McDs for lunch. In the afternoon we BBQ'd a flattened chicken and picked up some home fries for supper. Landon & Charlie sleeping here with us tonight.

Lunch at McD's...

Our supper...

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Day 3556

A wicked thunderstorm here early this morning, then nice and sunny, then rain shortly after lunch, then nice & sunny and another wicked thunderstorm at suppertime and 27. Its 19 here now.
Had breakfast with Landon this morning before taking him down to the house. Then me and Noel went the the Chrysler dealership in Ingersoll for Noel to check out a new truck. Brought the truck back home to show and then back to the dealership where he made the deal to trade his ecodiesel truck - motor gone. Then back home and after lunch I was out in the shop helping Noel with some of his company projects. Grandkids up around here all day and Ruby made a great lasagne supper.

Noel's 2019 truck...

Friday, May 24, 2019

Day 3555

A mostly sunny day here today and 19. Its 16 here now.
Down to see Landon & Charlie off to start their day this morning. After breakfast I went for a walk. Then we got ready and went to the hospital in Woodstock - Ruby had to get a procedure done and we were there for most of the afternoon. Landon here with us for tonight.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Day 3554

Rain and thunderstorms here this morning and sunny in the afternoon and 24. Its 20 here now.
Got Landon & Charlie up and out the door this morning. I was suppose to go golfing after breakfast but had to call it off due to the weather so I went out in the shop and cut & sanded some metal pieces for Noel's roses. In the afternoon I took Noel to the Chrysler dealership in Ingersoll to pick up a loaner vehicle as his truck is in the shop there being repaired. On the way back home I picked up Charlie from her daycare. After supper Ruby took Damien into the skateboard park in Woodstock and I went in later to pick him up.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Day 3553

A mix of sun and cloud here today with a few showers and 16. Its 16 here now.
Got breakfast for Landon & Charlie this morning, dressed them and got them out the door. After my breakfast I went for a walk. When I got back I went into Woodstock the our car dealership to check on something for our vehicle - dropped Ruby off on the way for her walk. After lunch I finished up entering this years expenses for Noel's business into the accounting program. Landon & Charlie sleeping here with us tonight.

Grandkids again lol...

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Day 3552

A sunny day here today and 20. Its 16 here now.
Got Landon & Charlie their breakfast this morning and then Noel took Landon down to get his bus. Ruby went to her TOPS meeting and I watched Charlie - she didn't go to her daycare this morning as she is not feeling well. After the meeting Ruby back home to pick up Charlie to go shopping but she didn't want to go so she stayed here with me and Ruby back into Woodstock for some shopping. When Ruby got back I went down to meet Landon when he got off his bus. Landon & Charlie sleeping here with us tonight.

Early breakfast...