Monday, April 30, 2018

Day 3157

A sunny day here today and 19. Its 13 here now.
Up with the grandkids this morning. Got breakfast for Damien, Landon & Charlie before Noel took Damien & Payton in to school and Landon & Charlie to daycare. We then got ready and went to our family doctor in Thamesford where Ruby picked up paper work for blood work. Then back to a clinic in Woodstock where she had the blood work done. After that we shopped around for a new BBQ - will do some more checking. When we got back home Ruby got at unpacking some more containers while I installed a satellite dish on our shed - have a cable running under ground to Noel's dish now and some channels are breaking up. Dish installed and will hook up tomorrow. After supper Sarah here with Landon & Charlie and Landon & Charlie are sleeping here with us tonight.

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