Saturday, April 28, 2018

Day 3155

A cold cloudy day here today and 6. Its 1 here now brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Up with Landon this morning and then Noel brought Charlie up while he went to pick up Damien & Payton. Then Damien & Payton here to see us before Damien went to his soccer practice. We then had breakfast with Payton, Landon & Charlie. After breakfast I went into Woodstock to do some business. When I got back I went out in the shop with Noel for the afternoon where he worked on making some more metal roses and I put together the metal cutting band saw I brought back from Florida for him. Ruby, Payton & Landon went into Woodstock to pick up groceries. Then all here for supper. Landon sleeping here with us tonight.

Breakfast at Gaga's.....

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