Monday, April 30, 2018

Day 3157

A sunny day here today and 19. Its 13 here now.
Up with the grandkids this morning. Got breakfast for Damien, Landon & Charlie before Noel took Damien & Payton in to school and Landon & Charlie to daycare. We then got ready and went to our family doctor in Thamesford where Ruby picked up paper work for blood work. Then back to a clinic in Woodstock where she had the blood work done. After that we shopped around for a new BBQ - will do some more checking. When we got back home Ruby got at unpacking some more containers while I installed a satellite dish on our shed - have a cable running under ground to Noel's dish now and some channels are breaking up. Dish installed and will hook up tomorrow. After supper Sarah here with Landon & Charlie and Landon & Charlie are sleeping here with us tonight.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Day 3156

A sunny day with a cold wind and 12 here today. Its 5 here now.
Up with Landon this morning and then went down to the house to bring Charlie up to have breakfast with us. Damien & Payton also up for breakfast. After breakfast me & Landon went into Woodstock where I picked up a new mobile printer - got a mobile one so I can take it back & forth between here and Florida. We spent the afternoon outside enjoying the grandkids and Ruby did a great cooked meal too. All here for Ruby's tasty supper. Damien, Landon & Charlie sleeping here with us tonight.

Fun times.....

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Day 3155

A cold cloudy day here today and 6. Its 1 here now brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Up with Landon this morning and then Noel brought Charlie up while he went to pick up Damien & Payton. Then Damien & Payton here to see us before Damien went to his soccer practice. We then had breakfast with Payton, Landon & Charlie. After breakfast I went into Woodstock to do some business. When I got back I went out in the shop with Noel for the afternoon where he worked on making some more metal roses and I put together the metal cutting band saw I brought back from Florida for him. Ruby, Payton & Landon went into Woodstock to pick up groceries. Then all here for supper. Landon sleeping here with us tonight.

Breakfast at Gaga's.....

Friday, April 27, 2018

Day 3154

Another nice day driving. Its 9 with rain here in Woodstock now.
After breakfast we left our hotel in Erie, PA this morning at 0810. Arrived at the border at 1000 and across at 1008. Made a stop on the way and arrived home at 1235 - so good to see the family. Landon sleeping up here with us tonight.

Our travels today.....

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Day 3153

Another great sunny day driving. Its 10 here in Erie, PA now.
After breakfast this morning we left our hotel in Mount Airy, NC at 0810. Made a couple of stops along the way and arrived at our hotel in Erie, PA at 1605. After checking in we went out for supper before settling in for the night.

Our travels today.....