Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Day 2541

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 28. Its 16 here now.
Out at the garage rafters this morning and me and Noel spent the day and evening at them. Did some more adjusting while removing the temp strapping / bracing and installed the permanent strapping / x bracing.

Lots of work.....

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Day 2540

A sunny day here today and 30. Its 22 here now.
Me & Noel took the manual fork lift back to the rental place this morning. Then back home to drop of Noel and the trailer and back into Woodstock to drop our vehicle at the GM dealer. They will have it for a couple of days to touch up some paint that is scuffed from the door seals. We have a rental while ours is at the dealers. After I got back home Ruby went into Woodstock for her TOPS meeting and some shopping after. Landon up with me for breakfast. After breakfast me & Noel then spent the rest of the day at the garage rafters - leveling, spacing, fine tuning etc. BBQ for supper. Damien here with us for tonight.


Monday, August 29, 2016

Day 2539

A sunny day here today and 31. Its 22 here now.
Out to get things ready to put up the garage rafters this morning. Then brought Landon up for breakfast with us, Damien & Payton. After breakfast me & Noel went into Woodstock to an equipment rental place and picked up a manual fork lift and 4 scaffolding casters. After we got back we started putting up the rafters with help from Sarah and her family. Ruby looked after the grand kids all day, It was a long day but we got them all up with temp braces. Then put away the tools away and loaded the fork lift back on the trailer.

Yahoo the rafters are up.....

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Day 2538

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 30. Its 23 here now.
Landon up for breakfast with us this morning. After breakfast me & Noel drilled some holes in the rafter birdsmouth for the wall plate attachment screws. We then set up the scaffolding. Then we, along with Sarah, flipped the rafters and put them in position for when we rent the manual fork lift tomorrow - hopefully. Damien & Payton here with us tonight.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Day 2537

A mostly sunny day here today and 31. Its 21 here now.
Landon up with us for breakfast this morning, After breakfast me and Noel got back at the rafters - finally got them all done. After lunch Ruby, Sarah, Sue, Landon & Charlie went to London for the afternoon to shop. Me & Noel went to Innerkip to pick up some scaffolding. After we got back we removed the hurricane brackets from the wall plates, cut some pieces and installed them on the wall plate to match them up with the rafters and reinstalled the brackets.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Day 2536

A sunny day here today and 30. Its 21 here now.
Out to sweep the water off the garage floor this morning. Then unloaded the trailer and did some ground leveling & filled in around the footing at the garage front. After that I brought Landon up to have breakfast with us. After breakfast me & Noel started putting rafters together and put them in the pile with Sarah's help. In the afternoon took Landon and went into Woodstock to rent a manual fork lift as we were planning to put the rafters up on Sunday. When we got back we checked the rafters and some were to wide. Apparently our mold had move and we didn't notice it. So returned the forklift to the rental company (they cancelled the rental) and will do some adjusting tomorrow to remedy the problem.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Day 2535

A mix of sun and cloud here in the morning with rain and thunder showers in the afternoon and 30. Its 22 here now.
Out to sweep the water off the garage floor this morning. After breakfast I took our vehicle into Woodstock to have some windows tinted. While that was being done I went for a walk. After that I went to an equipment rental place to see what they had available to place the rafters. When I got back home me & Noel got at the rafters. Then went into Woodstock to pick up some plywood for the rafters (someone miscalculated how many pieces we needed) & strapping for the roof. When we got back home we cut the rest of the pieces from the plywood - took awhile as we did it between the rain and thunder showers.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Day 2534

A mostly sunny day here today and 30. Its 24 here now.
Out this morning to put together a rafter in our mold. Then brought Landon up to have breakfast with us. After breakfast me & Noel got at the rafters. Got a couple done and put in the pile with Sarah's help. then the women went to pick up some nails for us and 4.5 hours later they showed up - never send women to the mall if you need something fast lol. While they were gone we installed the hurricane straps for the rafters and installed 2 by 6 along the back wall for the 1st rafter to attach to. Then waited for the women to get back home so Sarah could help us remove a rafter from the mold and put it in the pile. After supper Gerry & Yvonne here for a visit.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Day 2533

A sunny day here today and 29. Its 21 here now.
After breakfast with Damien & Payton Ruby took me to a golf course in Woodstock where I played 18 holes with 3 other guys. Into the clubhouse for lunch after golf. Ruby went to her TOPS meeting and shopping after before coming to pick me up. After I got back home I put together another rafter and then me, Noel & Sarah put it in the pile so we could finish the opposite side. After supper me, Noel & Landon went into Woodstock to pick up some more nails for the air nailer. After we got back home Ruby, Sarah & Landon went into Woodstock for ice cream.


Monday, August 22, 2016

Day 2532

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 25. Its 17 here now.
I went out and cut a few pieces of plywood for the garage rafters this morning. Landon up for breakfast with us & Damien. After breakfast me & Noel cut up some more plywood pieces for the rafters. After lunch we started putting the rafters together - got 2 built and with Sarah's help stored them on the ground in front of the foundation. Damien & Payton here with us for tonight.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Day 2531

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 26. Its 18 here now.
Landon up with us for breakfast this morning. At lunchtime we went to a restaurant in Woodstock where we met Gerry & Yvonne for lunch. After lunch we picked up a few things before returning home. Me & Noel then cleaned the pool liner and flushed the pool. Damien here with us for tonight.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Day 2530

A sunny day here today and 31. Its 26 here now.
After breakfast me and Noel did some more cutting pieces for the garage rafters. After lunch we went into Woodstock to pick up some more lumber and plywood. When we got back we finished up cutting the framing/webbing and started cutting up the plywood. Then time for a bbq supper.

Supper at gramma's......

Friday, August 19, 2016

Day 2529

A sunny day here today and 31. Its 26 here now.
After breakfast this morning I went to a golf course in Woodstock where I played 18 holes with another guy. In the clubhouse for a refreshment after golf. Ruby into Woodstock with Sarah, Landon & Charlie. On the way home from Golf I made a couple of stops to pick up a few things. After I got back home I got back at cutting pieces for the garage rafters - got all the 2 by 6 pieces cut now.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Day 2528

A sunny day here today and 32. Its 29 here now.
Spent the day cutting pieces of 2 by 6 for the garage rafters. Still a ways to go, needs 360 pieces of 2 by 6 and 2 by 4 for the framing plus the pieces of plywood for the joins. A lot of cutting left yet lol.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Day 2527

A mix of sun and cloud here today 29. Its 23 here now with a small thunderstorm passing through.
Spent a couple of hours enjoying Landon this morning before he went to the library with his nana. After that I spent the day designing, cutting the pieces and putting together the 1st rafter for the garage. Tacked it together and attached blocks to it so it can be used as a mold to build the rest.

Charlie's 1st cookie....

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Day 2526

A wet day here today with rain & showers until late afternoon and 27. Its 20 here now.
Ruby into Woodstock this morning for her TOPS meeting and shopping after. I had Landon up with me for company. After Ruby got home I took Landon into Woodstock with me to pick up a few things. After we got back home I swept the water off the garage floor. Landon up with us for a sleepover tonight.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Day 2525

A mostly cloudy day here today and 28. Its 22 here now.
Landon up for breakfast with us this morning. After breakfast me & Noel swept of the garage floor to strike some lines for the rafters. Spent the rest of the day cutting and adjusting the outline for the rafters. Finally got it where we want it and then packed everything away as we are suppose to get rain tonight & tomorrow.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Day 2524

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 29. Its 22 here now.
Out to sweep the water from the garage floor this morning. Then Landon up for breakfast with us & Damien. After breakfast I trimmed while Noel mowed the lawn. Noel & the family then went to a birthday party and me & Ruby went out for supper in Woodstock.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Day 2523

A cloudy day here today with rain, showers & thunder showers through the day and 29. Its 23 here now.
Landon up for breakfast with us this morning. After breakfast me & Noel swept the water of the garage floor, did the final adjustments on the sill plates and tightened them down - ready to start building the rafters now. Had to wait for it to dry up before we can use the garage floor to build them. After lunch me & Ruby went into Woodstock to pick up a few things. Then watched the Blue Jays ball game and some golf. After supper I designed the rafter for the garage.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Day 2522

A mix of sun and cloud in the morning with showers & thundershowers in the afternoon here today and 31. Its 23 here now.
Landon up for breakfast with us, Damien & Payton this morning. Ruby's back still acting up. After breakfast I got back at installing the sill plate on the garage walls - got them all in place, washers & nuts on and ready to be tightened down. After lunch I had to check on our grinder pump again - it was not cutting in. Removed it, took it apart, cleaned it and when I tested it is was working - seems as if it was trouble with the electrical receptacle. Before I put it back in place I lowered & leveled the patio blocks it sits on, hooked it back up and working again. I then repaired a leaked around the 1 1/2" clean out under the trailer.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Day 2521

Sunny here in the morning with some rain & a thunder shower in the afternoon and 34. Its 27 here now.
Landon up for breakfast with us this morning. After breakfast I got back at installing the sill plates on the concrete block walls. Got the sill gasket installed, the first sill plate and part of the second sill plate before the rain came. Ruby's back still giving her problems. After supper I swept the water from the rain off the garage floor. Damien & Payton here with us for tonight.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Day 2520

A hot sunny one here today and 36. Its 32 here now.
Landon up with us & Damien for breakfast this morning. Spent the day at the sill plate for the garage walls - cutting. drilling, adjusting, squaring, etc. Ruby is suffering with a very bad back.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Day 2519

A mostly sunny day here today and 33. Its 28 here now.
I took Damien to his dental appointment this morning. After that we went to a couple of stores to pick up a few things then headed back home. After breakfast I filled the last 3 holes in the concrete blocks with mortar - all mortar and cement work done now on the garage and ready to start the wood work. After lunch I drew up the rafter plans for the garage and made up the material list. When we finished supper me, Noel & Landon went into Woodstock and ordered the lumber & plywood for the rafters.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Day 2518

A sunny day here today and 32. Its 28 here now.
Landon up for breakfast with us, Damien & Payton this morning. After breakfast me, Damien & Landon went into Woodstock to pick up some bags of mortar. After lunch I replaced the circuit board in our grinder pump and reinstalled the pump - working ok now. I then started filling the holes in the concrete blocks that have the threaded rods in them. Got them all done except 3 - ran out of mortar. Damien & Payton (she changed her mind) here with us for tonight.

He loves his little sis.....

Helping gramma bake....

Day 2517

Sunday, August 7, 2016

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 30.
Up bright and early with Landon this morning. After breakfast me & Noel got at the concrete blocks for the garage walls. At it all day and got them all laid. Have to fill the holes with the threaded rods in and we will be finished with the mortar work for the walls. Had a BBQ for supper. Damien & Payton here with us for tonight.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Day 2516

A sunny day here today and 29. Its 22 here now.
Got Damien & Payton up and out the door to be picked up by their mother this morning. Landon up with us for breakfast, After breakfast me & Landon went out and swept the water off the garage floor from the thunderstorms yesterday. We all then got ready and went to a flea market at the flying school just outside Woodstock. After we left there we went to the summer streetfest in Woodstock for the rest of the afternoon. Landon up for a sleepover with us tonight.

Pop's helper....

Friday, August 5, 2016

Day 2515

Sunny here in the morning today with rain and thundershowers in the afternoon and 30. Its 24 here now.
After breakfast with Damien & Payton this morning I went out do some checking on our grinder pump for our drainage - seemed to be working ok now. Me & Damien then got at the concrete blocks for the garage walls. Landon up for breakfast with granma. We finished the 5th row on the blocks and started the last row before Ruby told me that the pump wasn't working again. I then unhooked the pump, dismantled it and cleaned it. Checked a few things out on the pump and then called the company who makes them. They figure I have a bad circuit board and are sending me a new one to try. After supper me, Noel, Damien & Payton went into Woodstock street festival. Started to rain again while we were in there, went to DQ and then back home.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Day 2514

A sunny day here today and 35. Its 25 here now.
Landon up with us and Damien & Payton for breakfast this morning. After breakfast I got back at the concrete blocks for the garage walls. After that I unpacked the rest of the blocks and placed them around the garage floor for placement later. Landon up with Ruby all day.  I then got ready and went to the walk-in clinic in Woodstock, registered and then home for supper - all here for supper. After supper I went back to the clinic and it took a while but I finally got in to see the doctor and found out I have shingles - I had blisters with pain on the top of my head last weekend. Then to the drugstore to pick up my medicine.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Day 2513

A sunny day here today and 37. Its 27 here now.
After breakfast with Payton this morning we got ready and went to the Woodstock hospital to have our bone density scans done - its part of our annual checkup. After we got back home I got back at the concrete blocks for the garage walls - slowly getting there. Spent the rest of the day at it and then in the pool to cool down. After supper I got back in the pool with the grand kids and then me & Noel went into Woodstock to pick up a few things. Damien & Payton here with us tonight.


Pool time.....