Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day 1743 & 1744

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 26º. Its 22º here now.
After a great breakfast on the island we fished for an hour or so and then headed home. After getting home we cleaned things up, put away our salmon, gear etc. Then into the Reidville field for Canada Day celebrations. After that we went to Kim's to see Chad & Sabrina's twin girls. Then back home for supper with Bruce, Marlene, Helen & Earl. After supper Gerry & Hilda joined us for a few sociables.

Monday, june 30, 2014

Sun in the morning, rain in the afternoon and nice in the evening and 24º.
Picked up my salmon licence this morning, etc and then we got things ready to go up the river to the island for tonight. After lunch me and Bruce left in the rain and headed for the island. Got there at approx 1330. Dave, Gerry & Clarence already there and a couple of fish. Did a bit of fishing and had BBQ for supper. Rain stopped before suppertime. Lar and Pete arrived at approx 1900. After supper at approx 2000 we had great fishing.  Enjoyed the rest of the evening with a fire and great friends. Ruby, Marlene & Helen went to Corner Brook for supper.

Our night on the island.....

Canada day in Reidville......

The Twins.....

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